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Translator Resume Examples in Word Format Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

CarLIE Pomelear

n  Microsoft Word, 45 wpm
n  Trained, experienced counselor and teacher
n  Fouryears experience as a personal care attendant and habilitation aide
n  Planning and implementing seminars and workshops
n  Excellent mathematical skills
n  Fluent in Spanish
Hamilton Christian Academy
Teacher, 5th thru 8th grade and Spanish
Corvallis High School
n  Translate high school subjects
n  Develop and teach ESL curriculum to single student for 1 year
US Census Bureau
Firgerprinter/Enumerator                                                Missoula, Montana
n  Obtain & examine fingerprints
n  Update addresses and maps
n  Deliver census forms
AAA Residential Services, Nightingale Nursing, and Homecare Services
Personal Care Attendant, Habilitation Aide                         Hamilton, Montana
n  Care for numerous clients’ needs in their homes
n  Transport for shopping and appointments
n  Perform habilitation aide services

Emory and HenryCollege                                                Emory, Virginia
n  B.A., Double Major in English and Psychology, 1973
n  Graduated cum laude.

University of Virginia                                             Charlottesville, Virginia
n  Masters of Counselor Education, 1974

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