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Developer Analyst Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Description, Skills & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Elin Chukwumerije
309 Stoney Meadow Drive
Houston, Texas 77001
Email:                                                       Phone: (713) 724-9876


Extensive experience and track record in software design, development and utilization of SQL database applications for Oil & Gas, Pipeline and various industries. Proficient in building web based GIS Applications using ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS API’s and WebADF and extending custom ArcGIS Desktop and standalone GIS applications using ArcObjects and ArcGIS Engine.
Core Competences

◘C#. Net                         ◘VB. Net                    ◘Silverlight 3 & 4       ◘ WCF   ◘ArcGis.9.3                 ◘ArcGis10                 ◘PODS 4.2               ◘PPDM          ◘Visual Basic 6.0    ◘C/ C++ 6.0         ◘Crystal Report         ◘XML                        
◘SSIS,SSRS                   ◘SQL 2000-2008     ◘Win7                                               
◘XP                                  ◘Win NT 4.0.



BoardWalk Pipeline Houston, TX (Contract) GIS Developer/Analyst 2011 - Present
¨      Developed stored procedures, functions, views and SSIS packages for migrating Pipe Line data from legacy database to PODS 4.2.
¨      Analyzed and loaded survey data utilizing ArcMap and third party tool for snapping and creation of station points as part of migration to PODs 4.2.
¨      Developed several reports for audit purposes and  tracking features that could not be migrated to PODS

Petris Technology, Houston, TX    Software Developer                       2008-2011
¨      Developed OneCall System, a Web based application for tracking, monitoring and maintenance of operations of oil and gas pipelines and utility lines utilizing silverlight3 and 4, C#.Net, ArcGis 9.3, WCF and SQL2008.
¨      Enhanced existing Wellbore application to provide more functionality to the wellbore Schematics and Viewer using C#.Net ,INT API’s and SQL 2005
¨      Developed oil production, AFE and operation management suite application for oil and gas operations utilizing C#,WCF and SQL 2005.
¨      Developed Web Service testing tools for Quality Assurance.
¨      Maintained  various drilling, field utility, digmaster and notification applications in vb6,POP3 and SQL2005

Wallace Computer Svs., Houston, TX      Developer/Analyst                         2000 - 2008
¨      Developed and designed Business Application Procedure for overseas retail operations. The application was designed with integral security interface.
¨      Developed the web site for tracking sales, inventory, reporting and other activities utilizing ASP.Net, C#.Net, Crystal Report 8.0 and SQL 2000 tools.
¨      Developed several web sites for equipment, class, product ordering and tracking system using  ASP, VB Script , JavaScript and Backend is SQL7.0
¨      Developed ActiveX Control utilizing ASP to provide the interface for building kits, adding and updating parts.
¨      Developed several Intranet sites for building jobs, parts, kits and scanning parts into the system for tracking purposes.
¨      Developed application for daily file pickup, processing, sorting into shells and brochure codes, building jobs, dropping zipped jobs for Cass certification, creating dbfs of processed jobs and for printing at Docutech. The tools used were Visual Basic 6.0, DynaZip  DLLs and SQL 2000
¨      Designed and developed problem and project tracking Intranet site for various users to report problems (Hardware, software and phone) and Managers’ use to track projects.
¨      Created various reports and stored procedures utilized in the Intranet projects. Reporting tool was Crystal Report and Stored procedures used were SQL 7.0 and 2000.

JDA Professional Svs, Houston, TX         Independent Consultant              1999- 2000          

¨      Enhanced existing Visual Basic application for Oil and Gas Company to
provide internationalization. Modified DLLs, ActiveX controls and some Class Modules to provide functionality. The tools used were Visual Basic 6.0 and Oracle 8.0, under window NT environment

Elite Computer Consultants

¨      Developed stored procedures for processing time sheet. The environment used was window NT, with SQL6.5 backend.                                                                                                               
¨      Developed web pages for internal management and migration of projects using Drumbeat 2000.
CGI (Formally Deloitte &                             System Administrator                   1998-1999
Touche Consulting Systems)                     /Developer

¨      Developed N-tier project with business objects written in Visual Basic 6.0 COM controls, and Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) to control middleware with SQL 6.5 as the backend. Developed ActiveX controls for use in the project
¨      Developed 32-Bit DLLs and 16-Bit thunk DLLs for a major Computer Firm. Extensively used Microsoft Visual C++  6.0 and 1.5, with window NT Environment. 
¨      Developed user interfaces using Data Window for Account review and update columns to General Ledger log, Inventory Transfer, General Ledger Account manual changes, General Ledger Summary, and General Ledger message window with  PowerBuilder 5.0, and SQL6.5 backend.
¨      Developed various reports in PowerBuilder 5.0, PeopleSoft Report, Account Payable Report and Criteria Objects. Have an in-depth understanding of RigthAngle Software.
¨      Documented troubleshooting procedures for a major oil and gas company which help new employees to monitor and reschedule nightly processes and in turn reduce the frequency of calling program vendors for trouble shooting hints.
SGS MIS, New Jersey                                 Developer Analyst                         1994-1998
¨      Designed and developed a billing system for Concord Express utilizing ActiveX controls and Window 95, Visual Basic 5.0 and SQL6.5 databases.
¨      Redesigned, upgraded and maintained existing inventory and warehouse transfer application from C to Borland C++.with extensive use of OOD..
BS, Computer Science                    St. John’s University                     1993.

                                                            New York, NY

MS, Information System               Prairie View  A&M University        2012
                                                      Prairie View, TX



Available upon request.

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