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Elin Christian
867-9876 [cell, voice mail]

Experience Summary:
A history of working
with relational database management systems [RDBMS] has provided a diverse
business exposure and business acumen to visualize a wide variety of enterprises
through their use of enterprise data. An SDLC development background has
fostered a team attitude and planned approach to systems analysis, design, and
implementation. Comfort with all levels of business management and users and
recognition that they are primary stakeholders in the effort has led to
excellent user rapport and data-centric requirement gathering capability. Ability
to conduct JAR / JAD and whiteboard sessions, as well as design and quality
assurance [QA] walkthroughs with management, developers, and business users
alike, has allowed development of leadership and mentoring skills.
Expert ability to
normalize enterprise data to a minimum of third normal form (3NF) allows
meeting tactical project data requirements while maintaining strategic
enterprise data awareness. Doing so facilitates reconciling data definitions
from divergent sources and legacy systems into a common enterprise metadata
repository. This, in turn, greatly facilitates data and program code reuse and
reduces development cost, maintenance cost, enhancement cost, and
infrastructure overhead cost. Insightful ability to conceptualize and abstract
the way enterprise data is ‘thought about’ from the context of its use within
the enterprise provides a path to abstractly define primitive data and extend
the cost-savings available with a good enterprise metadata repository.
Resultant intimate
knowledge of enterprise data and its relationships provides the ability to work
closely with and support other functional members of the development team
Data Modeling Tools
ERwin &
Model Manager
ER/Studio, macros,
& repository
Oracle Designer
Designer / Data Architect / S-Designor
MS SQL Server
MS Access
MS Project
MS Office Suite
Lotus Notes
10/2010 – 01/2012 Walmart
- via - Hewlett Packard
Data Architecture – Enterprise Data Analysis and Modeling
Member of Enterprise Information Architecture team. Participated in
meetings and reviews and contributed to the development of an Enterprise Data
Framework that articulated how enterprise data and data models are defined.
Developed enterprise conceptual and logical data model components for
incorporation into the Enterprise Logical Data Model (ELDM). Primary data
modeling tool was ERwin, and the models were shared via ModelMart. Other
business source models were in ProVision. Initial data concepts were harvested
from existing ModelMart models as well as from ADRM and ARTS external industry logical
data models.
Initial phase of the engagement involved developing an enterprise data
architecture framework upon which to further develop the ELDM. Participated in
peer walkthroughs to refine the framework. Developed the initial high-level
PARTY model for incorporation into the framework. Participated in client
walkthroughs of the model.
The subsequent phase took the initial data architecture framework to the
more detailed normalized enterprise logical data model. Again, was a
contributor in the peer walkthroughs. Developed the initial PRODUCT portion for
incorporation into the model. Participated in client walkthroughs of the model.
Shorter term activities:
Began the initial development of the project logical model for the web
store. This was to provide 3NF definitions in the Canonical Model for the
system messaging between the web store application and existing legacy systems.
Mapped requested MDM data elements to the current state Enterprise
Logical Data Model to allow gap analysis by the MDM team.
10/2009 – 09/2010 United
Architecture and Data Services
Initially engaged to create the logical data model for non-air (hotel,
car rental) mileage redemption for the data warehouse. Subsequently assigned to
the Enterprise PNR (airline industry reservation sales order) Logical Model. Assigned
to the Enterprise Architecture team to complete the Enterprise Conceptual Data
Model and perform the walkthroughs with the business subject matter experts.
Completed first two levels of the ECDM in preparation for development of the
ELDM, the Enterprise Logical Data Model. Worked with reconciling multiple
models of PNR to incorporate into the ELDM and the MDM, Master Data Management
Brought renewed focus to the 3NF logical modeling of enterprise data, the
original point of its definition in the context of its business use.
Demonstrated model diagramming techniques to present logical data models with
greater clarity. Demonstrated metadata abstraction techniques to promote data
definition, schema design, and data management module software reuse. Client
modeling tool was Embarcadero ER / Studio.
11/2008 – 10/2009 Systems
Analysis and Design
Design and Development
Continued work on educational (learning) software in C# .NET for console.
The software is geared for primary education students in grades 2-8. Future
versions are foreseen for high school students.
08/2007 – 10/2008 HCSC
- Health Care Service Corporation, a holding company of
Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico
Analysis and Data Modeling
Assigned to the Enterprise Product Platform (EPP) project. Reviewed
logical data model current state and investigated structural relationships.
Demonstrated an ERD style with greater clarity for cross-categorical team
meetings, which included Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and project management.
Devised a highly abstract logical data model solution for PRODUCT to meet
the overriding system requirement of complete flexibility of new product lines to
facilitate responsiveness to the market. The abstraction was comprised of a
granularity fine enough to be a flexible and robust design to anticipate future
changes and new types of products, as well as to minimize changes to the logical
data definition or physical database schema and the associated code updates and
rewrites. For the client, the abstract solution was an ‘outside the box’ new
way to view the enterprise data as a single source of information for multiple
enterprise systems.
04/2007 – 08/2007 Ford Motor Company – ITEK Center
Analysis and Data Modeling
Contract ended early as company downsized.
Assigned to the Nextgen AVS (Next Generation Automated Vehicle
Scheduling) project. Reviewed logical data model current state and investigated
structural relationships. Demonstrated an ERD style with greater clarity for
cross-categorical team meetings, which included Subject Matter Experts (SMEs),
project management, developers, database administrators (DBAs), and data
architects (DAs). Applied diagramming technique to the physical data model as
well. Doing so allowed more straightforward comparisons to the logical data
model. Asked detailed questions to refine conciseness in the entity and
attribute definitions and to fine-tune the relationships among the entities.
Devised assembly plant hierarchy solution using data abstraction to
provide legacy support through the transition to the new system. While
supporting the legacy system, the new system would not be tied to it or
dependent upon it once complete. The abstraction was comprised of a granularity
fine enough to be a flexible and robust design to anticipate future changes and
minimize logical data definition or physical database schema changes and the
associated code rewrites.
10/2006 – 04/2007 Argus Healthcare
Analysis and Data Modeling
Documented existing data model of the first phase of a prescription drug
insurance claim legacy system redesign effort. Wrote entity and attribute
definitions and conformed them to the client data modeling standard. Inferred
and researched relationships between entities. Created subject area sub-models
to provide clarity and focus to the data elements of the respective subject
areas. Began researching the second phase data to develop a logical data model
from scratch. The phase two data is provided by multiple third party providers,
and the elements and their definitions are to be reconciled to co-populate a
common data model without ambiguity. Once complete this model will be merged
into the first phase model, as that model is intended to ultimately become the
enterprise logical model. The modeling tool used is ER-Studio. The ER-Studio
macro utility was used extensively with both existing and self-written macros
to facilitate manipulation of much of the metadata in the documentation and
standard-conformation effort.
06/2006 – 08/2006 Schneider
Data Analysis and Data Modeling
Contract ended early as company downsized.
Performed data analysis and designed logical and physical data models
using ERwin, Model Manager, and PVCS. Provided multiple solution alternatives
incorporating differing degrees of data abstraction to meet current tactical need
while strategically looking forward to future need. Generated DDL to hand off
to the DBA team to implement the data design enhancements. Performed cleanup of
dimensional data model for the data warehouse. Created DDL using ERwin and
executed DDL using TOAD on the DW development database. Demonstrated logical
data model entity-relationship diagramming techniques to the data
administration team. Provided insight as to how to effectively weave data
management efforts together with the multiple business areas to better
establish seamless data support across the enterprise.
05/2005 – 05/2006 Systems
Analysis and Design
Private Consulting, Systems Design and Development
Continued development of POS system. Began requirements gathering for
digital imaging niche project. Began requirements gathering with potential
client for image based POS websites. Sub-contracted with DACAD, a local IT
contractor, for short niche project.
01/2005 – 04/2005 RL
Polk Technologies
Data Analysis and Data Modeling
Performed analysis on existing 6-terabyte data warehouse to define data
entities, attributes, and relationships of automotive vehicle life cycle event
and VIN data. Conferred with developers to determine high-level business
requirements, and attended meetings with Subject Matter Experts to determine
detailed requirements supported by existing data warehouse elements.. Provided
input to conceptual data model and draft logical data model for the future
reengineered system. Documented high-level data flow diagram to define data
lineage of data housed in data warehouse. Was included in ER/Studio training with
development team.
04/2003 – 12/2004 Systems
Analysis and Design
Private Consulting, Systems Design and Development
Worked on four application systems. Education Management software for
Special Education (continued). POS (point of sale) system under MS Windows.
Calendar and Workflow logistics tickler system. Educational (learning) software
in C# .NET for console. All data models were created in ERwin to facilitate
implementation on different database platforms.
Sub-contracted with DACAD, a local IT contractor, for short niche
12/2002 – 03/2003 Wheels
Data Architect, Data Analysis,
Logical Data Modeling
Data Analyst for the
Enterprise Data Architecture project. This project was to take legacy,
denormalized data that had been moved ‘as-is’ (sequential record batch system)
from a mainframe to a MS SQL Server system, and design a COM-based relational
OLTP system. Generated preliminary data modeling standards and guidelines.
Outlined naming and abbreviation method. Produced conceptual data model.
Identified process to reconcile legacy data components into enterprise model.
Modeling tool was ER/Studio. ERwin was used to demonstrate functionality for
data dictionary abbreviation standards that could be programmatically added to
ER/Studio functionality.
10/2001 – 11/2002 Systems Analysis and Design
Consulting, Systems Design and Development
Worked on Education Management project for Special Education. This work
involved deriving requirements from State Board of Education documents and
Special Ed personnel in the initial high school district. Initial development
was in VB 6, and the data modeling tool was ERwin.
Attended workshops in Advanced Data Modeling and Data Warehouse Data
Modeling. Reviewed advanced logical data modeling templates. Confirmed Data
Warehouse dependence on correct 3NF data and relationship definitions prior to
the denormalization / aggregation process to implement a data warehouse or data
mart. Once in a data modeling tool, such as ERwin, the templates can be
migrated to any data modeling tool via DDL, and they can be implemented on any
database platform.
12/2000 – 09/2001 State
of Wisconsin
Data Architect, Data Analysis,
Logical Data Modeling
Data Architect for
the State Unemployment Insurance Tax Enterprise System (SUITES) project. This
project was to produce a detailed design of the re-engineered processes to
manage the processing of the State’s unemployment insurance system. Activities
included normalizing definitions of existing legacy data structures from IDMS
and VSAM platforms into a 3NF model to be implemented on a DB2 platform. ERwin
and Modelmart were used for logical data modeling. Data models were versioned
using Modelmart. Modelmart was also used to re-merge ERwin model updates made
simultaneously by different users both online and offline. The first-cut
physical model was used to identify the destination of the legacy data being
migrated by the conversion team as well as the source and target locations of
data for the interface team. The process analysis team used the logical model
as input to the process analysis sessions. The process team used Rational Rose,
Requisite Pro, and the RUP process.
06/1999 – 07/2000 United
Parcel Service
Sr. Technical Specialist, Data
Analysis, Logical Data Modeling
Paired with a 20+
year UPS business knowledge expert, was the principal designer of the project
logical data model for sort parameter for Release 1 of Hub2000, renamed
WorldPort. Implemented a strategic approach to tactical requirements to
facilitate the eventual creation of an enterprise data warehouse and logical model
as well as to meet the immediate need to communicate with, and to merge data
from divergent legacy systems within the project. The data team considered
using ERwin and Oracle Designer, and subsequently chose Oracle Designer in
anticipation of greater integration with other Oracle tools. The greatest
challenge was not the tool selected, but enhancing data definitions in the data
dictionary to reconcile common placement of data elements from legacy systems
and the elimination of homonyms. The logical data model was created using
Oracle Designer, and was used as a reference to verify the object model created
by the development team using Rational Rose and the Rational Unified Process
(RUP) design methodology. The logical model was implemented physically into
Oracle without significant change. Additionally, it will be used as the source 3NF
definition for a data warehousing project to follow. Performed numerous
whiteboard presentations to management and development staff, including junior
and senior project team members. Participated in numerous requirement-gathering
JAD sessions and follow-up walkthrough sessions with user functional
12/1998 – 04/1999 M&M
/ Mars, Inc.
Sr. Technical Specialist, Data
Modeling and Administration
logical and physical data models into ERwin from a prototype quality management
system built upon 3rd party process control software. Communicated at multiple
levels with both users and managers. Documented the database structure. Made
observations where structure and access could be improved. Added context for
future enhancement to address the enterprise perspective and application
efficiency. Used ERwin to provide a platform from which company-standard DDL
could be generated.
10/1997 – 11/1998 Allegiance
Healthcare Corporation
Sr. Technical Specialist, Data
Modeling and Administration
Responsible for
evaluating various RDBMS - OLTP modeling, documentation, and metadata reporting
tools including Cayenne (Bachman), ERwin, PowerDesigner DataArchitect
(S-Designor), and KBSI. Responsible for logical data models for new
applications and for enhancements to existing logical data models to
accommodate program changes. Responsible for mentoring and training junior data
administration staff. Developed data naming, db design, and documentation standards.
Data Administration [DA] responsibilities focused on MS SQL Server
10/1996 – 09/1997 Vertical Market Systems Analysis and
Consulting, Systems Design and Development
extensive system analysis on government and vertical user requirements.
Designed an extremely robust application system and logical data model.
Generated the physical database design. Designed user interface. Built JAD
prototype in MS-Visual Basic, MS-Access, MS-DAO. Performed walkthroughs with
'vertical' users. Resolved business operational security issues. Consulted to
user professionals.
02/1996 – 10/1996 State
of Florida
Systems Project Analyst
Responsible for the
WAter Facilities Resources (WAFR) System using ORACLE, SQL*Plus, PL/SQL,
SQL*Forms and SQL*Menu. Performed system analysis and design, logical data
modeling, physical database design, and application design and implementation. Role
was refocused to higher level perspective of analysis and design to allow integration
of system functionality to accommodate Federal and State laws, departmental
rules, and policy.
1990 – 1995 Systems Analysis and Design
Consulting, Systems Design and Development
a workstation reservation system prototype. Gathered user requirements. Derived
functional specifications. Developed the logical data model and physical
database design. Developed menu, screen, and report templates. Performed
walkthrough/JAD sessions with the user.
Gathered user
requirements to automate a small business A/R and Payroll. Defined the logical
data model, physical database design, and application program and reporting
functions. Developed software, and developed spreadsheet and data file
templates for routine operation. Developed periodic reports.
1988 – 1990 Price
Waterhouse - Information and Technology Center (ITC)
Technical Specialist, Relational Database Technology
Senior technical
advisor for a relational database project. Deeply involved in the entire
development life-cycle of a custom internal project management system.
Developed the logical data model and physical database design. Performed CICS /
COBOL programming migrating a PC-based Healthcare system to an IBM mainframe
environment. Used INGRES, a relational database, on an IBM AS-400 running AIX.
1986 – 1988 Naval
Coastal Systems Center, Panama City Beach, FL
Programmer, DOD SECRET clearance.
Developed system
level applications on a UNIX (BSD) system, and provided system level support on
VAX/VMS. Developed a set of programs in INGRES 4GL and 'C' under UNIX, to
charge users for their system usage. Maintained and enhanced tape archive and
librarian utility software in COBOL.
1985 – 1986 COMNAVRESFOR,
Commander Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA
Business Systems Designer, Project Lead
Senior Business
System Designer: Analyzed system and identified problems both in system
accuracy and database design. Worked directly with users to determine system
shortcomings and to define desired corrections. Analysis results were to guide
an extensive revision effort to bring the software in line with contemporary
techniques of database design and structured modular software design and
Project Lead:
Responsible for the US Naval Reserve Recruiting system. Supervised programming
personnel, and provided direction to the site operations manager for matters
involving application software. Trained junior programming personnel and
generated periodic reports as prescribed by company and governmental policies.
1979 – 1985 Offshore
Navigation, Inc., New Orleans, LA
VAX System Manager:
Maintained OS via vendor updates, determined user resource allocation, maintained
system integrity, and installed and maintained layered software packages from primary
and other vendors. Relational DBA: Managed user accounts, and then modeled,
designed and administered the primary technical database. System Analyst:
Developed a new in-house pre- and post- mission navigation and graphics system.
Also designed and implemented a new capital equipment inventory tracking and
accounting system.
US Naval Reserve
Active Duty -- Vietnam Service Ribbon -- Honorable Discharge
DoD Secret Clearance
(1986-1988) – Naval Coastal Systems Center, Panama City Beach, FL
– ER/Studio Training Workshop
– Advanced Data Modeling Workshop,
Washington, DC
– Data Warehouse – Data Modeling &
Information Architecture Workshop, Washington, DC
of New Orleans, LA
University, Nashville, TN
References upon request.
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