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Experienced Software Engineer Curriculum Vitae Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Noah Pandeti

E-Mail: noah_pandeti@yahoo.com, Home # 781-559-4112, Mobile: 781-446-5614
Experience Summary:

  • Technical Lead/Senior Software Developer with 7+ years of experience in design, development, testing, documentation, deployment and maintenance of web applications, client-server technology, database design, EMS/NMS technology, Cyber Source multi currency credit card transaction technology, IVR technology, Real Time Billing (pre and post paid) mobile calling cards technology and SOA applications in the domains of health care, broad band mobile, telecom and eCommerce.
  • Experienced in requirement analysis, application architecture, system design, development, testing and deployment of object oriented applications in B2B, Internet, eCommerce, licensing, mobile broadband and automated telephony applications.
  • Good understanding of OOAD and usage of J2EE technologies using Java, STRUTS, JSP, Spring, JSF, SEAM, Servlets, Facelets, EJB, JPA, ORM(TopLink), Hibernate, iBatis, SOAP, JMS, Web Services, Voice XML, XML, XPATH, XSLT,DOM, AWT, SWING, JDBC, JavaScript, JSON, JQUERY, AJAX, JNDI and log4j.
  • Expertise in Configurations/Deployment of Jboss AS, WebLogic 10.x, Oracle 10g AS (OC4J), Apache Tomcat, Sun GlassFish V3 AS, and Apache Web Server.
  • Experienced in IDE’s using MyEclipse, Eclipse, Netbeans 6.8,  Intelli Idea-J and WSAD.
  • Expertise in design and developing eCommerce and licensing applications such as order management, credit card payments(local and multi currency transactions) and credit card adjustment solutions using Cyber Source API.
  • Expertise in design and developing IVR applications using Envox Voice XML Studio, Voice XML, Speech Works,  Genesis Voice Platform(GVP), Nuance Speech Recognition.
  • Expertise in design and development of MCAP (Maintained Care Appropriateness Protocol) clinical review criteria in health care domain.
  • Good understanding in development of mobile broadband access management solutions such as Real Time Billing(RTB), Security Web Service, Session Controller Protocols and mobile broadband network infrastructures such as Element Management System(EMS) and Network Management System (NMS).
  • Experienced in developing mobile search engine algorithms using J2ME, XPATH, and XSLT using Selective Dissemination of Information technology.
  • Experienced in SDLC such as waterfall design methodology and Agile-Scrum design methodology. Experienced in planning sprints and writing stories in Agile-Scrum development platform.

Skill Set:
Programming Languages:                 Java, PHP, PYTHON, C/C++, VC++, MFC, VB, VC#, Matlab, SQL, and Assembly Language
Operating Systems:                           UNIX (HP-Guardian, Solaris, Linux), Windows (9x, 2000, NT, XP, VISTA) and DOS.
RDBMS:                                            Oracle, SQL-Server, MySQL
J2EE Technology:                              JSP, JSF, Servlets, STRUTS,Tiles,JSTL, EJB, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, AWT, SWING, SEAM, JAXB, TopLink, Facelets, MyFaces, JPA, JMS
Speech Technology:                           Envox, Voice XML, Speech Works, Gold Wave, Speechify, GVP, Nuance Speech Recognition
Source Control:                                  Clear Case, CVS, Perforce, SVN
Bug Tracking:                                    Clear Quest, FogBugZ, BugZilla, JIRA
Web Services:                                    SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, Apache Axis
Web Technology:                               HTML, DHTML, X
Tools & Utilities:                               J2SE, J2EE,JEE, J2ME, TCPDF, JPGRAPH,
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003, Apache Cocoon, JQuery, JUNIT, Log4J, TOAD, SQL Developer, EMS MySQL Manager, ANT, Install Shield, JWSDP -1.3, IBM XML generator
Application Servers:                          JBOSS, Oracle Application server 10g (OC4J),
                                                            Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, Apache Web Server
Scripting:                                            CGI, UNIX Shell Scripting, Tandem Advanced
                                                            Command Language (TACL)
Network/Telecom Protocols: FTP, TCP/IP, UDP, HDLC, GSM, GPRS, TDMA,
Session Controllers:                           ISUP, WIN, CAMEL and PRE-IN.
Signaling/Switching Protocols:          SS7, Circuit and Packet switching, X.25, Frame
Relay, ATM
Design Methods/ SDLC:                   UML, OOAD, J2EE Design Patterns, Waterfall, Agile-Scrum.

Professional software development experience:

Contract Senior Java UI Software Developer, Copyright Inc, Danvers MA.
                                                                                                            June 2010- Nov 2010

Summit- eCommerce Order Management System (CyberSource and multi currency Transactions)
            Summit eCommerce OMS is the initiative to process credit card orders through cybersource payment vendor and to accept multiple currencies for credit card orders. Add to cart, check-out, place order and confirm order functionality has been implemented as part of summit commerce order management system.

Environment: Java, STRUTS, JSP, AJAX, JavaScript, JSON, JQUERY, HTML,  CSS,Tiles, IFrame, iBatis, ORACLE, Mongo DB, MyEclipse, JIRA, JBOSS, SQL Developer, SQL, SVN, ANT, XML, DOM,Log4J, Firebug, Beyond Compare, Cybersource API, Burlap web service, Windows-XP, Agile-Scrum, Sprint.

            RightsLink is the leading point of content licensing solution that allows customers to license the reuse of content. Rightslink is integrated seamlessly with online content, providing customers with a professional transactional experience.

Environment: JAVA, JSP, Servlets, AJAX, JavaScript, JSON, JQUERY, CSS, HTML,JSTL,EJB, MySQL, JDBC, MyEclipse, SVN, Web Logic AS, XML, ANT, SQL,JIRA, EMS MySQL Manager.

·         UI design and development using JQUERY, AJAX, STRUTS, JSP, JAVASCRIPT, JSON and HTML
·         Implemented credit card authorization, charge and adjustments functionality using cybersource API for USD and multi currency
·         Developed credit card checkout, place order, review order and confirm order functionality
·         Planned sprints and writing stories with reference to Agile-Scrum standards.

Contract Senior Software Developer (Tech Lead), Medical Information Systems Unit, BMC Boston MA.                                                                  July 2008- June 2010


            OpenSESAME is a statistical application developed in R language that enables users to find public microarray experiments in GEO, the largest repository of its kind enriched in either a given pattern of gene expression relative to mean, or the inverse of that pattern. OpenSESAME WEB is to expose the functionality of the application to the web enabling users to run query using the web browser. The web interface will produce various output data files stored in user accounts for later analysis.

Environment: Java, Struts, JSP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, EJB, JPA, TopLink, MySQL, netbeans, SVN, Share Point, Sun Glassfish enterprise AS, XML, R, RServ, JMS, ANT, SQL

Alcohol & Complex Patient

            Alcohol & Complex Patient are designed to provide heath promotion and screening for the patients suffering form Alcohol addiction and heart problems. Highly interactive Telephone Linked Communication (TLC) technology has been implemented to promote the health behavior to allow the subjects to dial-IN or dial-OUT.  This highly interactive telephonic conversation provides basic psycho education focused on drinking, motivational interviewing techniques, recommendations etc.

Environment: Envox Voice XML Studio, Voice XML, JSP, Speech Works, PHP, Python, JavaScript, HTML, JQUERY, TCPDF, JPGRAPH, Linux, CSS, XML, Eclipse, Bugzilla,  Apache Tomcat, Apache Web Server, Oracle 10g, SQL Developer, SQL,SVN, Share Point, Gold Wave, Speechify, Nuance Speech Recognition, Windows-XP.

MASBIRT & MASBIRT- Spanish Screener

            MASBIRT is designed and developed to screen, intervene and refer patients including Spanish speaking population. MASBIRT is dial-out system that calls and reminds the patients using telephone linked care (TLC) IVR system.

Environment: Java, JSF, Facelets, MyFaces, AJAX, JavaScript, JQUERY, HTML, XHTML, Linux, CSS, Voice XML, Eclipse, Bugzilla,  Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Oracle 10g,SQL Developer, SQL,SEAM, Hibernate, EJB3, SVN, Share Point, ANT, ENVOX Voice  XML studio, Gold Wave, Speechify, Linux, Windows-XP.

Java Software Developer, The Oak Group Inc, Wayland, MA           June 07 – June 08

CritView Criteria Development

            CVCD is Tog’s internal application used to generate XML’s for CVPLUS application. This application offers training portal for users and case managers for quick and easy training to know about all critview products. This application also generates XML’s for electronic document generating system and also generates reports in HTML and PDF Formats.

Environment: Java,EJB, JSP, Jakarta Struts, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, CSS, XML, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, Apache Tomcat, Apache Cocoon, Eclipse, FogBugZ, Oracle 9i, JDBC, CVS, Ant, TOAD, Windows-XP.

CritView Collect

            Critview Collect is browser based MCAP (Maintained Care Appropriateness Program) application. This application deals with development of criteria that supports both medical surgical and behavioral health that is used to monitor and administer Admission, Discharge and Transfer system used by hospitals.

Environment: Java, EJB, JSP, JDBC, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, CSS, Eclipse, FogBugZ, Oracle Application Server 10g (Standalone and Enterprise), Oracle 9i, CVS, Ant, TOAD, Windows-XP.

CritView Plus

            Critview Plus is cost effective solution for hospitals to access MCAP Criteria. This application is available as an installed product and also accessible through Internet as an ASP application. This application allows reviewers to complete patient reviews and review results can be cut and paste into any document generating system

Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, Linux, CSS, XML, DOM, Apache XERCES, Eclipse, FogBugZ, CVS, Ant, Install shield 5.5, Apache-Tomcat 5.5.16, Windows-XP.

CritView Connect

            CritView Connect is Tog’s system integration solution. Presently, CritView Connect is embedded into some of the most widely used case management systems on the market today. This application requires a single dedicated application server or database server. This application stores only review information and captures patient data and returns to the host system either in XML or text format.

Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, CSS, XML, Eclipse, FogBugZ, Apache Tomcat, MySQL, VB.NET, Visual C#.NET, Install shield 5.5, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005,  CVS, Windows-XP.

Software Engineer - |||, Boston Communications Group Inc, Bedford, MA
July 06 – May 07
Session Controller Manager

            Implemented Session Controller Manager runs on HP Non-Stop (Guardian) Platform. Session Controller Manager is the OAMP application supported by BCGI for maintenance of WIN, CAMEL and Pre-IN Session Controllers. Session Controller Manager is capable of performing application configuration, IN session controller access configuration, market OAMP and web management. SC Manager is designed to provide CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete) functionality in specific to real time visibility for session controllers.

Environment: Java, C/C++, Java Applets, Java Swing, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, XML, CGI, TACL, UNIX Shell Scripts, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, HP Non-Stop ETK, Perforce, HP Non-Stop (Guardian), Enscribe, Linux, WIN and CAMEL Session Controllers.

Security Web Service

            Security Web Service is the security authentication and authorization engine. This module is used by Mobile Guardian (MG) and Real Time Billing (RTB) service components. The calls to authenticate and authorize a user are implemented as web services on J2EE platform.

Environment: Java, J2EE web services, Tomcat/Axis, Spring Framework, XML, Perforce, TOAD, COM-Driver, JUnit, Oracle, Eclipse, SOAP and WSDL.

Software Engineer, Airvana Networks, Chelmsford, MA   March 05 – July 06

Element Management System - 3.0

            Implemented Inter-RNC Active handoff, Node groups, Group Operations features for element management system.

Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, Swing, Clear case, Clear quest, Oracle, Intelli-j, UNIX, Sun Solaris

Element Management System - 4.0

Implemented North Bound Interface for allowing third party element management systems to be connected automatically to Airvana EMS. Developed method wrappers to initiate SOAP requests and also developed NBI test tool in the client side.

Environment: Java, XML, SOAP, JAXB, Clear case, Clear quest, Web Services, Intelli-j, Hibernate, Oracle, Unix, Sun Solaris.

Element Management System – 3.0/3.2/4.0

            Developed Inter-RNC Active hand off, Node groups and Group Operations modules and also responsible for upgrading/rollback operations, smoke testing, sanity testing, writing developer test plans, installation of oracle and EMS software on Solaris servers and migration of Oracle 8i/ Solaris 8 platform to Oracle 10g / Solaris 10.
Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, HTML, Swing, Clear case, Clear quest, Oracle, UNIX shell scripts, Intelli-j, UNIX and Sun Solaris.

Research Assistant, University of Massachusetts Lowell                         Jan 02- Feb 05

Profile driven information retrieval for mobile devices

            Designed and developed filter and search engine based on selective dissemination of information. Developed a MIDLET to talk to the web service using J2ME API that runs on mobile phone and also responsible for parsing XML data from web services server using kXML.

Environment: Java 1.3, MIDP 2.0,CLDC, J2ME, Web Services, kSOAP, kXML, WSDL, XPATH, JWSDP -1.3, IBM XML generator ,Apache  XALAN, Apache XERCES and XML,  Windows 2000 and WSAD 5.0

Software Engineer – Summer Intern Vivid Infotech, Westford MA   
Portfolio Analyzer – A rich client application (May 03-Sept 03)

            Portfolio Analyzer is front-end Java application that combines two Web Services (Real Time Stock Quotes and Detailed Information on stocks from EDGAR database) and the client-resident information into a single tool. Developed executable Internet application using Apsora Crossbow and code to generate Web Services calls using SOAP and developed user interface using JFC Swing

Environment: Java, JDBC, Swing, XML, SOAP, WSDL, Web Services, Oracle 8i, WSAD 5.0
Easy-Commerce (May 02- Sept 02)

            Developed user interface screens for unprocessed and pending orders, order conformation and accept orders and finally integrated Easy-Commerce with Business administration tool.

Environment: Java, JDBC, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML, SQLServer7.0, windows 2000.

            Performed code generation from design based on the standards set by the client and developed forms using Swing and did all validations.

Environment: Java, Swing, JBuilder3.0, Visual cafe, Oracle 8.0, UNIX and Rational Rose 2000

Software Engineer, Pentagram Software Systems, India             May 98 to Aug 2000

Mathsolve (Graphs and Symbolics)

            MathSolve incorporates mathematical algorithms, programming methodologies and executing practices into complex software. The symbolic engine can solve mathematical problems. Responsible for design and implementation of Graph module as ActiveX Control, support for drawing multiple traces in two-dimensional graphs, design and implementation of rule base for simplifier using C++, design and implementation of integration, differentiation and matrix operations.

Environment: Windows NT, C, C++, Win32 API, and VC++ 5.0 with MFC 4.2.1, OMT (Rumbaugh Methodology) and ActiveX.
Academic Projects experience at University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Project 1: Implementation of File Transfer Protocol
Environment: Unix, C++ and Unix Socket Programming.
Project 2: Implementation of IP Routing Algorithm
Environment: Unix and C++
Project 3:  Message Fragmentation and Reassemble
Environment: Unix, C++, socket programming 
Project 4:  Development of ROBOT Navigation System
Environment: Sun Solaris 9.0, Matlab 6.5. 
Project 5: Digital Image Segmentation
Environment:  Linux, C++, and XV Tool
Project 6: Image Edge Detection Technique Using SOBEL Algorithm
Environment:  Linux, C++, and XV Tool
Project 7: Image filtering in the frequency domain using FFT Algorithm
Environment:  Linux, C++, and XV Tool



  • Doctor of Engineering in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Lowell MA USA Fall 2005
  • Master of Science in Computer Science & Engineering from Computer Science Department, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India Spring 1998.

Visa Status: Adjustment of Permanent Residency Status (Green Card)

References are available on request

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