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Entry Level Software Engineer Resume Format in Word Free Download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & 25 Years Work Experience for A Software Engineer in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Jason B. Keenan

Versatile Systems Analyst / Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer / Technical Writer
Available for Interview Immediately                                             Available for Employment Immediately

205.886.7163 (Cell)                               205.995.9811 (Home)                            jasonkeena@bellsouth.net

Technical Summary    
·  12 years of IT software development experience, primarily Object-Oriented and very strong C++/C.
·  C++ BrainBench:  Advanced (Master), better than 93% (global) - 98% (vendor-specific) of tested population.
·   Java:  Course designer/author/technical writer for Pearson Education and Sun Microsystems;  current study is  Android Java  IDE (AIDE).
·  12 years of experience using object-oriented analysis, design (UML), and implementation.
·  2 years of experience with web technology including W3C web standards, HTML/XHTML, XML.
·  2 years experience using UNIX, UNIX variants (HPUX, AIX, Solaris/Sun OS, Linux) and IDEs.
·  2 years of multitiered application design and development.
·  8 months of web programming experience using Java/J2EE, Javascript, 6 months C#/.NET.
·  Very strong experience with debugging techniques using Microsoft, Borland, Sun, and HP IDEs.
·  Very strong experience in development using the Microsoft Development Environment.
·  Very strong full systems lifecycle, technical writing/documentation (also presentation) experience.
·  Online research presentation viewable here (http://home.sprintmail.com/~kalki/FGOOAEANN.)


3/2011 – Current
University of Maryland University College, Graduate School of Management & Technology Laurel, MD
Associate Professor (Adjunct)
·  Teaching: Principles of Distributed Database Systems.
·  Authoring: Updating the Principles of Distributed Database Systems graduate course

12/2009 – Current (Contract/Consultant)
Pearson Education – Indianapolis, IN (for Sun Microsystems)
Course Developer / Technical Writer
·  Authored Java 1 course and lectures for Problem Solving and Program Design Using Java
·  Authored Java 2 course and lectures for Data Structures and Algorithms Using Java
·  Evaluated and selected methods for presentation of web-based training (WBT) online course content.
·  Java 1 & 2: 2011 CODiE award winners.

11/2007 – 4/2008 (Contract/Consultant)
Blue Cross Blue Shield of AlabamaBirmingham, AL
Systems Analyst
·  Converted C programs with embedded SQL (ESQL/C) for database migration from Informix to DB2.
·  Performed C code reviews and recommendaions for Informix=>DB2 ESQL/C conversions.
·  Modified/Refactored existing C programs to correct errors, upgrade interfaces and optimize operational efficiency (improve performance).
·  Recommended, initiated, and assisted team migration to MS Visual Studio.
·  Platform:  Windows XP/UNIX, Visual C++/Visual Studio.

8/2007 – 3/2008 (Contract/Consultant)
Pearson Education – Indianapolis, IN
Course Developer / Technical Writer
·  Authored course, lectures, and exams for Problem Solving and Programming Concepts
·  Authored course, lectures, and exams for Problem Solving and Program Design Using C
·  Authored course, lectures, and exams for Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Using C++
·  Evaluated and selected texts for authored courses.

02//2007 – 7/2007 (Contract/Consultant)
BE&K Software Engineering – Birmingham, AL
Software Engineer
·  Provided maintenance/enhancements for Workforce and Document Mgmt applications using C++/MFC/STL
·  Modified/Refactored existing C++ applications to correct errors, upgrade interfaces and optimize operational efficiency (improve performance).
·  Advised re: object vs relational database and implementation (impedance, load), database server clustering.
·  Platform:  Windows XP, Visual C++, MFC, STL, Visual Basic, C#, Visual Studio 2003/2005, MS SQL Server.

11/2005 – 4/15/2006 (Contract/Consultant)
AllStates @ Southern Nuclear – Birmingham, AL
Software Engineer / Plant Digital Systems Engineer / Technical Writer
·  Provided OOD/C++ instruction, design, maintenance, and quality assurance for digital systems used in the management of nuclear power plants.
·  Developed specifications for Human-Machine Interaction;  Analyzed legacy software systems for refactoring into object-oriented C++.
·  Provided quality assurance analysis of vendor-supplied C/C++ implementations (with recommendations).
·  Defined a specification/standard for OO software development process, programming practice, and style.
·  Visual C++;  MFC;  TCP/IP Programming in C/C++, Pascal, FORTRAN;  Windows;  OpenVMS.

8/2003 – 7/2005 (Contract/Consultant)
Miles CollegeBirmingham, AL
Associate Professor and Coordinator, Computer & Information Sciences [CIS]
·  Provided management oversight, advising, curriculum development, and planning for the CIS major, 6 faculty members, 25 student advisees, and campus information technology (intranet).
·  Designed a new thin client-based server-centric campus instructional/research infrastructure (incl. HPC and interfacing with software/hardware vendors: IBM, Sun, and other suppliers of servers, clusters, etc.).
·  Coordinator and mentor for the NSF-funded Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education.
·  Taught Programming Logic & Design (using UML), Software Engineering, Project Management, C/C++ Programming, C++ Algorithms and Data Structures, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, and Web Design.

2/2003 – 3/2003  (Contract/Consultant)
Pyramid Digital Solutions – Birmingham, AL
Software Developer
·  Provided new feature design, programming, testing, and maintenance using C++, Rogue Wave.
·  Provided object-oriented design (UML) to add XML processing to a data translation application.

11/2000 – 7/2001
Infinity Insurance Company – Birmingham, AL
Client/Server Programmer/Analyst
·  Provided OOAD and development of core server-side algorithms using Java.
·  Served as the Fax DB (Oracle) Project Lead including J2EE/Servlet Programming, image compression, storage, extraction, expansion, and network printing.
·  Provided development tool evaluation/selection (e.g., XML Spy, Together Control Center / UML)
·  Environment:  NT/Solaris; Visual Café Enterprise; WebLogic Server;  SQL;  XML//XSLT (XML Spy;  FOP)

2/2000 – 7/2000 (Contract/Consultant)
Accenture @ BellSouth
Software Developer
·  Provided C++ OOAD using UML, implementation, testing and maintenance of Error Resolution Logic state machines.
·  Provided ANSI C refactoring as preparation for translation of C modules to C++.
·  Used OO analysis of requirements and specifications to optimize the design and implementation of Error Resolution Logic state machines (upgraded team approach to development).
·  Used OO analysis (data modeling) to simplify and optimize the data model for inter-process communication and to optimize operational efficiency (improve performance).
·  Environment: NT/Solaris/HPUX, HP SoftBench, Sun Workshop, Understand for C++, UML Studio.

3/1999 – 2/2000
Group 8760 – Birmingham, AL
Software Engineer
·  Provided C++ OOAD using UML, development, and testing of a multi-protocol encryption/decryption application incorporating the PGP, S/MIME and GISB standards for secure internet-based EDI.
·  Provided maintenance and refactoring of C++ applications to optimize operational efficiency.
·  Researched and evaluated development team tools.
·  Environment: NT, UNIX (AIX, HPUX), Rogue Wave, MFC, Visio.

12/1998 (Independent Contract/Consultant - Freelance)
Southern Dynamic Systems
Software Engineer
·  Provided object-oriented refactoring of an ANSI C fuzzy expert system for C++ reimplementation.
·  Delivered files and documents including analysis of existing system, OMT static model of refactored system, and headers and source files for C++ definition and implementation of the static model. 
·  Used Understand for C/C++ to analyze existing system and Together/C++ for OOAD and preliminary implementation using Borland C++.
·  Environment:  MS Windows

1/1997 (Independent Contract/Consultant)
SONAT Headquarters, Information Technology Department – Birmingham, AL
·  Provided instruction in Object-Oriented Software Development Using C++.

6/1992 – 6/1998
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Ph.D. Project (C++):  Fine-Grained Object-Oriented Artificial Evolution of Artificial Neural Networks
·  Accomplished full lifecycle development of a fine-grained object-oriented system with simulated evolution, neural networks, and fuzzy control libraries using C++ (extensive/intensive debugging experience).
·  Achieved automated, unsupervised design of problem-specific solutions for diverse technical problems, i.e., neural networks for mathematical, classification, pattern recognition, and decision support problems
·  Solved test-of-concept (simple mathematics and logic: XOR2, Complement4, Shift4, Rotate4) and proof-of-concept design problems.  Generated novel neural network solutions for Fisher’s Classification Problem (Iris Data);  NASA O-Ring Performance Prediction;  Post-Operative Patient Routing;  and the main test - USAF Fighter Pilot Assistance – all with novel and unpredictable design outcomes.
·  Used Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA, SPSS) to evaluate a multifactorial statistical design.  Independent variables = Training, Reward, Algorithms, Coefficients, and Self-Adaptation (of coefficients).  Dependent variables = Evaluation Cost, Error, Generalization, NProcessors, NConnections, and Fitness (a function of Error, Generalization, NProcessors, and NConnections)..
·  Implemented strong object-oriented design using the Object Modeling Technique, templates (generics), function objects, runtime type information (RTTI), and heavy polymorphism with multiple inheritance.
·  Single-handedly developed fault-free 182,000 C++ LOC to accomplish all of the above (sole author/implementor/etc.).
·  Environment:  Sun SPARC Workstation, SunOS (UNIX)/Solaris, gcc, MS Windows (PC) Workstation,  Borland C++, MS Visual Studio / MS Visual C++.
·  Technical writing deliverable:  Dissertation published at the National Library of Congress.

6/1992 – 12/1997 (Contract/Consultant)
University of Alabama at Birmingham
·  Department of Computer Science – Taught C/C++ Language Programming.
·  School of Special Studies – Taught C/C++ Language Programming; Object-Oriented Software Design.
·  School of Health-Related Professions – Taught Computer Applications (Word Processing, Database, Spreadsheet, Telecommunication).

·  Education
1998    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer and Information Sciences
            University of Alabama at Birmingham - Birmingham, Alabama

Fine-Grained Object-Oriented Artificial Evolution of Artificial Neural Networks. (C++: 182,000 lines)

Software Engineering, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence

Fellowship:  1995-97 NASA GSRP, Office of Space Sciences,  NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. -- Fine-Grained Object-Oriented Neuro-Evolution.
Research Award:  1995 Alabama Academy of Sciences -- Novel and Combined Generation, Selection, Reproduction and Mutation Operators for Evolutionary Computing.
3rd Place:  1994 IEEE Professional Technical Writing Awards -- Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Backpropagation Training of  Feedforward Neural Networks.
Fellowship:  1994 NASA GSRP, Office of Space Sciences,  NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. -- Hybrid Evolutionary and Connectionist Computing.
Research Award:  1994 Alabama Academy of Sciences -- Object-Oriented Hybrid Neuro-Genetic Strategy for Evolving Feedforward Neural Networks.
1st Place:  1994 UAB Sigma Xi Research/Presentation Competition -- An Object-Oriented Hybrid Neuro-Genetic System for Evolving Feedforward Neural Networks.
1992    Master of Science in Computer and Information Sciences
            University of Alabama at Birmingham - Birmingham, Alabama

Curriculum       Software Engineering, Database Management Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Telecommunications, High Performance Hardware Systems, Numerical Computing, Supercomputing, Parallel Programming, Operating Systems, Algorithms and Data Structures, Programming Languages

1st Place:  1993 ACM SouthEastCon Research/Presentation Competition -- Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Backpropagation Training of Feedforward Neural Networks.
Fellowship:  McCallum Doctoral Fellowship (89-93)
1989    Master of Science in Behavioral Medicine
            University of Miami - Miami, Florida

Biobehavioral Differences between Normotensive and Borderline Hypertensive Black Americans

Stress, Emotion, Motivation & Physiopathology;  Hypertension;  Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.; Chronobiology);  Computerized Testing (Behavioral Medicine Inventories)

"One of 40 Up and Coming Alumni Under 40" :  1986, University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship:  Ford Foundation / National Academies of Science - Washington, District of Columbia
1985    Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Science (2nd major:  Physiology)
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Cognitive Psychology:  Preconscious (Subliminal) Processing
Industrial/Organizational Psychology:  Automated (Computerized) Testing
Chronobiology:  Physiological Rhythms/Biological Clocks;  Hypertension

Golden Key National Honor Society;  Psi Chi National Honor Society, Dean's List

Fine-Grained Object-Oriented Artificial Evolution of Artificial Neural Networks
- Library of Congress, 1998 (Dissertation at UAB)

Novel and Combined Generation, Selection, Reproduction and Mutation Operators for Evolutionary Computing
- Proceedings of the 1996 Intl Conference on Intelligent Systems, Orlando

A Hybrid Backpropagation and Genetic Search Strategy for Training Feedforward Neural Networks
- Proceedings of the 31st Annual Association for Computing Machinery South East Conference, 1993
- Proceedings of the National Symposium & Exhibition on Advanced Information Systems and Technology for Acquisition, Logistics and Personnel Applications (American Defense Preparedness Association [DOD]).

Biobehavioral Differences between Normotensive and Unmedicated Hypertensive Black Americans
- with Dr. Neil Schneiderman [U. Miami Behavioral Medicine Research Center - UMBMRC]

Ambulatory Blood Pressure as a Function of Race, Gender, Mood and Place
- with Dr. Neil Schneiderman [UMBMRC] (1986) Circulation, 74 Supp, II, 319

Automatic Seven-Day Monitoring of Human Blood Pressure in Health
- with Dr. Franz Halberg & Dr. Wolfgang Marz (1985) Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science

Fine-Grained Object-Oriented Evolution of Artificial Neural Networks
- 2004 Lockheed Martin Artificial Intelligence Laboratories, Cherry Hill, NJ

Focus on Excellence (The Psychology of Winning).
- 2002 Honors Convocation, Miles College, Birmingham, AL

Novel and Combined Generation, Selection, Reproduction and Mutation Operators for Evolutionary Computing
- 1995 NASA GSRP Symposium, Washington, D.C.

A Hybrid Backpropagation and Genetic Search Strategy for Training Feedforward Neural Networks
- 31st Annual Association for Computing Machinery South East Conference, 1993
- National Symposium & Exhibition on Advanced Information Systems and Technology for Acquisition, Logistics and Personnel Applications (American Defense Preparedness Association [DOD])
- 1994 Sigma Xi Competition, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Ambulatory Blood Pressure as a Function of Race, Gender, Mood and Place
- 1990 National  Academies of Science / Ford Foundation Conference, UC Irvine, California

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