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fac simile curriculum vitae free download

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective for B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering with Fresher Student Work Experience in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download          

Curriculum VITAE (fresher)
Voice: -(+91)9876543210

To begin a challenging position in an organization that gives me an opportunity to learn and contribute towards the growth of the organization and in return establish a firm career in course of time.


·        Completed Bachelor of Technology (ECE) from Krishna Murthy Institute and Technology& Engineering
with 68.98%,year of passing 2013.
·        Intermediate in MPC Stream from Narayana Jr. College, in the year 2009 securing 84%.
·        Matriculation from Sri Chaitanya High School, in the year 2007, securing 86%.


·        Languages: C, C#.Net, Ms-SQL Server.
·        Concepts: OOPS.

·        CERTIFICATIONS: Trained and Certified in MS SQL SERVER from Naresh I Technologies.
·        Can efficiently work under environments like Windows and Vista.


·  Judicious, Able to work with team as well as single, positive thinker and self motivated.


Title                  :  Implementing wireless stepper motor using Psoc microcontroller.
My role            :  Team leader
Team size         :  3
Description       :  The main aim of the project is to control the motion of the stepper motor without using wires
between the motor and controller.


Title                  : Automation testing of RxRF module of V/UHF transceiver.
My role            : Team leader
Team size         : 3
Description       : The aim of the project is testing of  RxRF module of V/UHF transceiver in the        automation
                           process which decreases the time of testing and increases the efficiency in the testing   of the


·        Being the member of “Needy Hunters”, a social welfare organization, successfully organized various activities at distinct places.
·        Participated as a coordinator in the state conference on communication, computer & control which was organized by the association of ECE department “MAVERICKS”.
·        Participated as a coordinator for cultural fests as well as for the technical events organized by the college.
·        Wrote many articles to “KITEMARK”, a college magazine released every year during the annual day                                                               celebrations.
·        Participated in paper presentations in technical events


Name                           :    Maturi Vineeta Kumari
Father’s Name             :    M. Upnaresh
Gender                         :    Female
Marital Status               :    Single
Nationality                    :    Indian
Languages known         :    Hindi, English and Telugu
Phone No                     :    (+919876543210)
Date of Birth                 :    21st of April 1994.
Permanent Address      :    Plot no-309, Venkatadri Township, Chowdariguda (v), Narapalli, R.R. Dist,
     Andhra Pradesh -500088.
Hobbies                       :    Playing Chess, Listening Music, Chatting with friends and I am a bibliophile.


 am a person with great ardor of confidence and enthusiasm. I am optimistic, a patient listener and                result-oriented committed person. Able to cope with failures, Quick learning ability, and good team spirit is in my nature.


I hereby, declare that the above given details are true to the best of my knowledge & belief.
PLACE: Hyderabad,

                                                     (MATURI VINEETA KUMARI)

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