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Sample Template Example of Excellent Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective for BE. in IT Engineering with 4+Years Work Experience in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


Raghavendra G Katti
Mobile No: +919632922282

To build a long-term career in a competitive organization which has opportunities for career growth and also to enhance my professional skills in an effective and creative manner that helps develop the organization and self.


Year Of Passing

MV Jayaraman College of Engineering, BENGALURU.
Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum.



SGEES Rural Polytechnic, TARIHAL, HUBLI.
Department of Technical Education, Bengaluru.



Karnataka High School, FORT, DHARWAD.
Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board



  • Good knowledge of Manual Control Robots.
  • Basic Knowledge of Linux internals and usage of Linux.
  • Basic Knowledge of UART, I2C and SPI communication Protocols.
  • Knowledge of Basic C and Embedded C.
  • Knowledge of ARM, and 8051.
  • Pursuing Advanced Diploma In Embedded Systems at Epitome Technologies, Bengaluru.

·        Won 1st Prize in “Robotics” (“ROBO WRESTLING”) at MVJCE Bengaluru (2011).
·        Conducted Robotic Workshops at MVJCE Bengaluru.


1. Title: “Embedded System Design For Crack Detection and Warning System (CDWS)”.
     Technology: Atmega328P (Microcontroller)
     Platform: ARDUINO UNO.
     Project Location: CSIR, National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Bengaluru-560017.


The project provides a novel approach of an embedded system development based on GMR sensors. This embedded system is being used for the detection of cracks in metal for aerospace and automotive applications. It has the capability to monitor the surface defects and cracks of metals, and it also provides the length and depth of the cracks very accurately.
I have done hardware planning, design and programming part for the project.

2. Title: “Microcontroller Based Bus-Stop Two way Information System”.
    Technology: ATMEL89C52 (8-bit Microcontroller)
     Platform: masm  


The project is based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Each station has a unique ID. The setup includes a transmitter and a receiver in the bus as well as in the station, depending on the arrival of station in the bus and arrival of bus in the station has been identified and displayed on the LCD and same is announced using the speaker which situated both in station and bus. The project is helpful for deaf and dumb people.
I lead the team and took active part in designing the circuit, and in writing the code.


1.      Title: “Advanced Bank Locker Security System”.

Technology: ARM 7(LPC2148).
Platform: Keil V4.


The project is for making secure banking locker. For this we’re using GSM, I2C, ADC, Touch screen, IR remote, and UART. Manager will be having an IR remote, by receiving this signal touch screen will be enabled for inputting the password. After successful entering the password, locker will be opened. For every 24 hours a Random password will be generated, and send to the Manager’s cell. Depend upon the convenience password will be generated. This project is still on going.

2.     Title: “ARM Based Temperature Monitoring Using GSM
Technology: ARM 7(LPC2148).
Platform: Keil V4.

             It is important to monitor the temperature in the Industries to avoid the undesirable effects. This Project will be helpful in making temperature moitoring easy. In Our ARM7 (LPC2148) is connected to the GSM module, Temperature sensor and LCD. The sensor senses the temperature, when the temperature reaches the specified limits it will send the message to the concerned person, then they can take necessary action.


·        Good communication skills.
·        Dynamic team player capable of coordinating the activities in the group.
·        Versatility and flexible to adapt to new situations.


·        Dedicated to work.
·        Result oriented.
·        Maintain good interpersonal relationship.
·        Positive thinking and analyzing.
·        Positive attitude.


Name                           : Raghavendra G. Katti
Father Name               : Gopalkrishna R. Katti
Date Of Birth               : 03-NOV-1988
Nationality                  : Indian
Sex                               : Male
Languages Known       : Kannada, Hindi, and English.
Hobbies                       : Listening to music, playing Piano and Guitar, reading novels, social service, ……  …playing games, making robots and sketching.
Permanent Address     : Madanshetti Oni,                                                                                                                                      Mangalwar peth ,  
  DHARWAD - 580001. 

Present Address          : C/O Achyut Katti,
                                      Poomathi #35,
                                      12th Cross, M.N.Nagar,
                                      BENGALURU - 560023.

The above details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Place   : BENGALURU.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Signature
Date    :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Raghavendra G. Katti

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