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Sample Template Example of Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective for MCA in IT Engineering with 16+Years Work Experience in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Ragni  J

Address: Shri Rajendra Nikethan, No – 18 , 2nd main, Vivekananda nagar,Dharwad-580004.
Phone: 9876543210(M)

Having 16.6 years of work experience in Software & Educational Field.

Key skills: Good Technical, Management, Functional and Communication skills.
Possesses good interpersonal / Organizational / Communication / Problem solving /                    Decision making / Negotiation / Root cause Analysis and Administration.

Srl. No.
From – To
Year of Experience
System Analyst
IBMR- Hubli
June - 2010 to Till date
VTU – Bgm
Aug   - 2000 to Dec-2003
3.4  (10 yr)
VTU – Bgm
Dec  -2003  to  June -2010
KCD-  Dwd
Aug - 1999  to  July - 2000
June-1997  to  July - 1999
S/W Consultant
(off the Campus)
(Credo-Tech) -B’lore
Nov-  2009  to  Till date
System Analyst / Project Manager
(off the Campus)
Amba Software,
June-  2010  to  Till date

Total Experience as Programmer/System Analyst/Project Manager – 12.10 Years

1)  System Analyst and Faculty in IBMR Group of Educational Institues, Hubli.
        Duration    : Since June 2010.  
  Job Profile : Involved in the Analysis and Design of the college software and web site. An Integrated system is developed which connects all the four campuses in India and shares the data and other information. Guided many students for their projects in the analysis and design part. Training the in-house staff about the college software.
2) Programmer   in Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.
      Duration      :  From August 2000 to Dec 2003
      Job Profile : Designed and Developed software which are still using in Examination section viz. Convocation Degree certificate application filling and Printing, Consolidated Transcript (“C”),VCESS 1.0 Software which is used as an added supporting software for Main regular software, S/W for Autonomous Institutes and VTU-Extension Centre’s. Increased the Result processing process speed to extremely fast with support of TCS engineer. Speed up the process of IA Sheet Printing from 2 systems to N-number of systems and 2 PPM to 40 PPM.

Taken the Lead role in Converting the Architecture course result from manual to Database system effectively and followed the new system further successfully.
Played a very important role in the development of software’s required to the examination section by getting involved some well-known software companies viz, TATA Consultancy,  Excel Soft, Mindlogics  and other MNC’s from last 10 years.  I am one of the members in software expert Committee in deciding the software requirement’s to the examination section. I am involved in the problem identification phase, feasibility phase, analysis phase and implementation and maintenance phases.
                 Working on a life time project. i.e.  Computerized Examination System for Visveswaraya Technological University, Belgaum.  Analyzing  the  Software  problems  faced  by  the  end  users  in  the  Examination  section  and   solving them. Involved  in  the  Design  of  Databases  and  coding  of forms and reports with  the use of   Developer - 2000  and DB2  supported by Unix.
           Developed the software for scanning of PG CET OMR sheets and generating the ranks. Cardiff Teleform is used as a scanning software tool to scan all the OMR sheets, which loads the data on to the database after verifying.
            The forms and reports are developed using D2K, which needs various modifications according to the user’s requirements. The Procedure’s need to be modify or   creating new Procedures using SQL is also a challenging job.  I encountered various problems in  the  procedure  written earlier by another s/w developing company.  I am resolving them as per the request.  To solve some complicated problem I take the help from internet search engines where I can get perfect solution to fix the errors.
            Fixing the bugs in the existing system is also a very important part of my job which I enjoy very much.  Bottom up software development is an challenging work of mine. Understanding the various SQL errors and fixing them to make the forms / reports to run efficiently brings more confident in work.

3) Assistant   in Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.
     Duration:  Dec - 2003 to June -2010
     Job Profile: In-Charge for PG Section. Administrating the result preparation group of 15 staff members. Maintaining the confidentiality of the students marks and other documents. Managing the result verification staff members group. Preparation of Time table schedule with respect to Students application forms, IA Sheet printing and scanning, Result announcement Dates and Assigning various exam related job to staff and completing the same in time. Administrating Convocation application, Degree certificate printing and Preparation of Rank List, Gold Medalists, Convocation Year Book of UG/PG etc.  Managed the Convocation Event successfully for all  9  convocations held during 2002 to 2010.

4)  Guest-Lecturer at Karnataka Science College, Dharwad
      Duration    :  From August 1999 to July 2000       
            Job Profile: Teaching Computer Science subjects to the   B.Sc.  Part I/II/III students. Worked as Guide to B.Sc. part - III students to develop software projects for their regular course work in the college.

5)  Faculty / Project In-Charge at    Microworld Computers, Dharwad
     Duration: From June 1997 to July  1999 
     Job Profile: Involved in the coaching of advanced software’s and technologies to   Engineering and other students.  Also involved in the guidance   of the projects to the students, in the fields like   Analyzing, designing and coding part.

6) S/W Consultant at (Credo-Tech) -B’lore
    Duration : Since Nov- 2009
    Job Profile: Providing software planning and required documents and strategies to the client.  Providing Solutions to critical problems and logics to solve them with user friendly environments. Preparation of the Databases and proper security to the database and software, Data Backup procedures and types and secured methods etc.

7) System Analyst /Project Manager at Amba Software, Dharwad
    Duration :  June-2010 to Till date
    Job Profile : Involved in Analyzing, Designing and Managing in development  of software’s related to various sectors utilizing advanced technologies like GPRS and others techniques. Headed a group of 4-5 team members in developing the software by using Oracle,Sql,D2K,.Net, Java etc. as required by the client

.        EDUCATION
·        MCA - Master of Computer Applications
·        MBA – Master of Business Administration
·        PGDCA – Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applicatuions.
·        B.Sc. in Electronics from JSS Science College, Dharwad .

ADSE (Advanced Diploma in Software Engineering),  a 3  year Professional  Course   from   Aptech, Hubli.

Event Management               :
 Having Experience in Managing the VTU Annual convocations.  Managed around 9 VTU Annual convocations successfully. Organized many cultural activities for students, staff and family    members in the university and nearby residence.

FDP / Workshop :
Attended Many Workschop/Faculty Development Programs.
(1)   “Microsoft .Net Technology Training Programme” by Microsoft Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. From 24/09/05 to 08/12/05.
(2)   “Computer H/W and Maintenance” by Gogte Institute of Technology. Belgaum from 20/01/03 to 23/01/03.
(3)   FDP on “Management Teachers 2015: New Age Teacher” by AIMS & IMSR on 10/07/12
(4)   1day workshop on “Conquer The Wits- Classroom Management” by IEMS, Hubli on  13/08/12

·         Operating Systems                                 : Unix, Windows OS’s.
·         Network  Technology                             : Novell NetWare 3.11 & 3.12(Administration),
                                                                              Win-NT 4.0 & UNIX                        
·         Languages                                             : C, C++, .NET,Java
·         DBMS                                                    : FoxPro 2.6, dBase IV
·         RDBMS                                                 : Oracle 7.x, Database 2(DB2)
·         GUI(Front End Tools)                             : Developer 2000(D2K), Oracle Power Objects(OPO)   
·         Tools                                                      : Sql *plus, PL/Sql, SqlDBA
·         Packages                                               : MS-Office, Online Exam
·         Technologies                                         : Client/Server, Advanced OOAD,SSA&D, OOPS
·   Software Engineering              : S/W Eng. Principles, S/W Quality                                                                   
  Assurance and Management
·         Case Tools                                             :Turbo Analyst

Some of the major software developed by me at VTU are,
a)      VCES supporting system (Degree certificate, Consolidated Transcript, Etc)
b)      Teleform Internal Assessment Marks S/w
c)      PGCET ranking
d)      Consolidated Transcript
e)      Full-fledged Convocation s/w
f)        Question Paper Panel
g)      Online exam Marks card printing

 1.        Title                                            : E-Class Application Suite
            Duration                                    : 8 Months
            Role                                           : System Analyst
            Team Size                                  : 5
            Software   used                          : Jdk 1.3, Dream Weaver,Javascript,FlashMx
           Project description                      :The E-Class Application Suite is a comprehensive, E-Classroom solution. It allows students to bring laptops into the classroom and join an ad-hoc network created by the teacher’s laptop. Once the student has joined the network, a browser is opened and the student can enter his USN number and password to join the E-Class session. The E-Class Application Suite provides 3 modes of operation: E-Lecture (synchronized slideshow), E-Quiz (simple MCQ quiz taking module), E-Feedback.

2.         Title                                            : Vision Career
            Duration                                    : 3 Months
            Role                                           : Team Leader
            Team Size                                  : 1
            Software   used                          :Jdk 1.3, Dream Weaver,Javascript,FlashMx
           Project description                      : Vision career” offers an impressive array of functionality including automated resume processing, integrated e-mail, customizable letter templates, sophisticated multi-criteria search, instant Match feature, excellent step-by-step job tracker, job-alerts and reports, tips and previous papers of many IT companies for fresher, ready made resume patterns & some interview questions and many more.

3.         Title                                            : Hotel Management
            Duration                                    : 2 Months
            Role                                           : Team Leader
            Team Size                                  : 2
Software   used                          : D2K, Oracle  7.x  (Client/ Server)  with PL/SQL
            Project description                      : The Project has been developed for Naveen Hotel,Hubli.
           The   Project   deals with the various  departments  like   Front – office, Restaurant, Catering,
           Personal Management, Banquet   system and a brief look into the material management.

4.         Title                                            :  Material   Despatchment.
            Duration                                     :  2 Months
            Role                                           :  Team   Leader
            Team size                                   :  3
            Software   used                          : D2K, Oracle  7.x  (Client/ Server)  with PL/SQL
Project    Description                  :  An   application   to   provide  the information about the stock   
goods   and  dispatched  goods  and  the  customer  goods   requirement  requests  and quantity        
               information. Weekly and monthly  reports.

5.         Title                                           : Lab  System  Management
Duration                                    : 2  Months
Role                                          : Team  Leader
Team  Size                                : 3
Software  Used                         : FoxPro   2.6,MS Access
Project    Description               : A  database  application  to  provide  the   booking of machines  
to  maintain  information   about    students. Automatic  allocating   of machines   and booking , 
monthly   utilization    and   reports.   The   system  gives   online information    of  the  machine  room.


Father’s Name                         :   Narayan Rao
Gender                                     : Female
Date of Birth                             : 2-Oct-1980
Nationality                                : Indian
Marital Status                           : Married
Languages Known                    :, Kannada ,Hindi , English , Marathi
Hobbies                                   : Golf, Table Tennis, Chess, Football, Cricket,
                                                  Swimming , Reading & Writing, Drawing, Playing dramas

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