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Resume Format Doc

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Curriculum Vitae CV Format with Career Objective for MCA in It Engineering with Fresher Student in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download



Indira Colony
Hyderabad-500037                      Phone no:040-24534159       


Career Objective:

To work in a growth oriented environment that would provide me an opportunity to effectively utilize my software skills and abilities, while being innovative, resourceful and flexible.

Educational Qualifications:


Bharat P.G College

Osmani University,



Bsc(Computer Applicationas)

Jagruthi Degree college

Osmania University,



Software Proficiency:

Operating Systems                            : Windows 98,Windows NT, MS-DOS

Languages                                          : C,C++,COBOL.

Windows Programming Tools            : VC++.

Internet Applications                         : Java(Core & Advanced)

Web Technologies                            : HTML,Servlets

RDBMS                                             :Oracle 8i, Microsoft SQL.

Packages                                            :MS-Office suite

Personal Skills:

Comprehensive problem solving abilities, excellent verbal and written communication skills, ability to deal with people diplomatically, willingness to learn new technologies and a hard worker.


1. Project Title                                :DISTANCE LEARNING SYSTEM
Organization                                       : Sierra Atlantic
Nature Of The project                       : Live Project 
Programming                                      : Servlets, JSP
Database                                               : Oracle 8i
Web Server                                        : Apache Tomcat
O/S                                                      : WINDOWS 98

 This project has been done as the part of MCA-VI semester. The main focus of this project is to provide online training for the employees of the company. The study material available online can be in the form of CDs or documents on a server machine which can be accessed simultaneously by many users. All the permanent employees are able to access all kinds of study material.

Any employee interested to undergo training to registers himself/herself with the system for the desired course. The employee logs in to the system and selects the subject of interest. Depending on the course selected the employee is allotted a fixed amount of time during which he/she is supposed to complete the self-paced training. The server keeps track of the user’s login and logout times to calculate the total time of the employees training. Once the allotted time has elapsed, the employee is not allowed to access the training programmer. The employee may request the Training Administrator to extend the time period for the training. The employee is said to have successfully completed the training only if he/she has qualified all the individual level tests plus the final test.  

2. Project Title      :  Website Creation

Front End                     : Java & HTML

Back End                    : SQL

Description :       The project is a commercial website which provides various services to the users. One of the  important facilities is chating facility where the users can chat with one another and exchange dialogues.


1        A presentation on Geographical Information Systems concept at Routers_IT meet conducted by Bharat P.G college.
2        Given seminar on cellular systems in mobile communications concept at the college.

Personal Profile:

Name                                      : K.Shanti

Father’s Name                       : K.Manohar Reddy

Date of Birth                          :27-04-1982

Sex                                          : Female

Marital Status                        : Unmarried

Nationality                              : Indian

Languages Known                 : English, Hindi, Telugu



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