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writing a curriculum vitae examples

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

C/O    Ramana,
26/1, Main Road,                                                    mailto: suresh@gmail.com
Hyderabad -38.                                                       Phone: +91 98488029463

Career Object:
         Seeking a dynamic and challenging career opportunity where my knowledge, managerial, analytical, problem solving skills and application knowledge can be shared and enriched in Growth Oriented Firm. I aim to occupy challenging position in the IT Industry.
Educational Profile:
Specialization/ Decipline
Year of passing
Computer Science & Engineering
Annamalai University,
Computer Science & Engineering
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,
Andhra Pradesh
Maths, Physics, Chemistry
Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Technical Profile:
            Operating Systems                    : MS-DOS, Windows-98/XP/2002 Server      
Languages                                : C, C++, JAVA, VC++(SDK,MFC,COM)
Databases                                : Oracle, SQL Server
Title                  :           SPEECH TO TEXT CONVERSION
Front-end         :           VC++
            This project describes the development of speech to text conversion system. It creates different profiles to different persons who want to get text from speech. By using his own profile, any one can train his speech. While training the person’s speech, it displays number of sentences. Everyone should read these sentences one by one. After finishing training sessions, it displays the text corresponding to person’s speech.

Project Title          :   CYBER SHOPPING

Environment      :  JAVA, HTML.
The Cyber Shopping application is an Online Website for an Organization. It is a virtual showcase for different types of products like Electronic, Automobile, Jewellery, Fashion, and Film etc. The main aim of this project is to make Online shopping very easily. The Special thing about this project is it provides different types of products to purchase.
o   A good team player, self-motivator and have sincerity in work
o   A go-getter type and confident personality to achieve the goals in time
o   Fast grasping power and keen interest in new technologies
o   Good programming, presentational skills and communication skills
o   Playing cricket and listening to music.
Personal Profile:
            Permanent Address      :           G. Suresh Reddy,
                                                            S/o Prakesh Reddy.G,
                                                            Laxmi Nagar,
                                                            Mangalagiri-522 525,
                                                            Andhra Pradesh.
            Phone No                     :           08645-236591
            Languages Known        :           English, Telugu, and Tamil        
Father’s Name             :           Prakesh Reddy.G
ate of Birth                 :           18-07-1983
Sex                              :           Male
Marital Status               :           Single
            Nationality                    :           Indian
I here by declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

(G.Suresh Reddy)

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