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Vikash Kumar Jain


Contact Number: +919867147289.


Present Address:

C/o New Housing Society,
      Building No 3,
      Flat No 301,
      Sector 5,
      Navi Mumbai.


Personal Details

Father’s Name: Vipul Jain.
Date of Birth   : Nov 26’ 1982.
Sex                  : Male      
Nationality      : Indian
Marital Status : Single
Languages      : English, Hindi.

Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in the Information Technology Industry, a job where growth prospects are unlimited and individuality is recognized by work, and to achieve professional satisfaction by meeting higher responsibilities and involving in competent work areas.

Work Experience

Currently Working in “i2i Enterprise Mumbai ” Since 21’ Dec 2005
 As a ‘Software Programmer’.

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engg, from
Walchand Institute of Technology, Solapur, Maharashtra.

Passing Year   Course                                                       Marks Obtained

2001 – 2005   B.E. in Computer Science                             70.79  %
                       Shivaji University : Walchand Institute
                       Of Tech., SOLAPUR (MH).
2000 – 2001   XIIth                                                                76 .00 %
Holy Family Convent Hr Sec School,
                     KHURAI Dist.Sagar (M.P)
1998 – 1999   Xth                                                                    71.20 %
Holy Family Convent Hr Sec School,
                      KHURAI Dist.Sagar (M.P)

Technical Skills
Languages                  : C, C++,C#, Java, Linux Kernel Programming.

Web Technologies        :  ASP.Net , ASP, HTML , DHTML.

Microsoft Technologies: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

Databases                    : SQL Server 2000,MS Access.

Operating Systems         : Windows 98/Xp/2000,
                                                Linux (Red Hat 9.0,PCQ 2004).
Packages                      : Microsoft Office 2000/ XP.

Worked For Clients Like

v  Euronet Services India Private Limited, Mumbai.
v  Diebold Systems Private Limited, Mumbai.
v  Haier Appliances India Private Limited, New Delhi.
v  Daikin Air-conditioning India Private Limited, New Delhi.

1: Euronet Help Desk:
     Client          : Euronet Services India Pvt Ltd Mumbai.
About Client : Euronet Worldwide, Inc.  is a global leader for processing secure electronic
                            Financial transactions. Euronet operates the largest shared ATM network in India.
Front End    :  ASP, VB.
      Back End     :  SQL Server 2000.
     Position         :  Developer.
      Team Size     :  Two    
   Scope of the project:
    Euronet Help Desk is a comprehensive complaint management system for the clients (Banks) / Vendors
Of the Euronet. Complaints are registered through phone calls or through EMS (Event Management System)
That is running on the ATM machines.
                              The Euronet Clients (Banks) Can Log their complaints about the ATM’s, view their
Complaint status, And Can generate the report. The call is closed through feedback call from the Engineer/Vendor. The call is escalated to upper hierarchy authorities at proper threshold time through
automated SMS and Emails.    
                               Euronet Administrator manages the all Information about their ATM's machines, Banks,
 And Engineers.
                            Worked extensively on the phases of project development like Requirement gathering, analysis, designing, coding, testing and change management. And also provided training to the End Users and prepared the User manual for the same.

2: Haier Complaint Management system.
    Client           : Haier Appliances (India) P. limited, New Delhi
    About Client  : Haier Appliances (India) Private Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Haier Group. It is   the 2'nd Largest Home Appliances brand in the World, A Brand with over 15,000 Models.
    Front End     : ASP.
     Back End      : SQL Server 2000.
    Position          : Developer.
    Team Size      : Two    
 Scope of the project:
                 In this project the customers of the Haier can register their complaint about the products through phone calls, whenever a complaint is registered a unique complaint number is generated and service engineer is assigned to it. Service engineer looks over the complaint and was responsible get the problem solved. After solving the problem prepares a Job Sheet where he/she fills and submits all the details about the complaint including time place visit details, part replaced, cost etc. The call is closed through feedback call from the Engineer.

                      Haier Administrator manages the all Information about their dealers, products, model and Engineers.
                            Worked extensively on the phases of project development like Requirement gathering, analysis, coding, testing and change management.

3: Academic Projects:
       A) Project Title    : LINUX DEVICE DRIVER FOR NIC.           
   Position          : Project Leader
        Team Size        : Five.
        Scope of the project:
      Linux uses a device driver for every device attached to the system. The Device driver is developed as Linux Kernel Module. Which allows the computer to transmit data back and forth to and from a server or other workstation. Kernel is recompiled to extend its functionality.
Responsible for studying the detail of NIC, Detecting the Device, Enabling the Device. Also managed the
Team and was responsible for reporting to the project guide.

B)  Project Title : Student Database management System.
       Position       : Developer.
         Team Size    : Two.
         Scope of the project: This project was developed in JAVA using SWING.
              Project was developed to contain all the details about the student’s record such as academic as well as other useful information regarding the students of the college.

Seminars Given:

  1. Introduction to NAT (Network Address Translation).
  2. Linux viruses.

Achievements And Extra Curricular Activities
      ·    Worked as a Secretary of  “ COMPUTER CLUB “ of W.I.T Solapur.
  • Worked as a Departmental Coordinator For I.S.T.E (INDIAN SOCIETY FOR TECHNICAL            
      ·    Awarded N.S.S ‘A’ Grade Certificate.
      ·    Selected in Divisional ‘Basketball ’team.

  • Organizing Events.
  • Listening Music.

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