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C/o Arjun Murthy
No-21/A, 5th Floor,
7th main, 17th cross,
Govindraj Nagar

Ph: 9448341682                                                       Curriculum Vitae 

Career Objective:

Job responsibilities: Nature of work includes Solid modeling & drafting of Components. My role includes development of the components using Unigraphics package, (Solid modeling, assembling, Drafting and Detailing) as per the customer standards.

  worked as Design   Engineer at BiSS (Bangalore Integrated system solution) Pvt Ltd. (Jalahalli    VP Road ,Bangalore-13) from june 2004 to till date.

 Projects Undertaken:

Project 1    : ATTS (Axial Torsion Testing System).
Client          :  USA(California)
Team size   : 4
Aim            : Design.
Description : Design of load frame assembly (Bottom c/s head, Columns and Top c/s head) and Lift cylinder  Assembly, which mainly includes Piston, piston rod and Honed tube and providing  3-D Parametric Models using Solid Modeling, Assembly& Drafting of the components.
Tools Used  : Unigraphics - NX2.autocad 2005

Project 2     : BARC (Baba Atomic Research Centre) PIPE TESTING M/C.
Client           : BARC Mumbai.
Team size   : 4
Aim             : Conversion of 2D drawings to 3D model.
Description  : Providing 3-D Parametric models using Solid modeling, assembly and Drafting of components. BARC Pipe Testing machine, which includes radioactive pipe testing at high pressure and Temperature to check the life of pipe after patching at particular temp and pr.
Tool Used   : Unigraphics- NX2. Autocad 2005

Client           : GIL Pune.
Team size     : 4
Aim              : Design.
Description  : Design of load frame assembly (Bottom c/s head, Columns and Top c/s head) and Lift cylinder Assembly, which mainly includes Piston, piston rod and Honed tube and providing  3-D Parametric Models using Solid Modeling, Assembly and Drafting of the components.
Tool Used     : Unigraphics- NX2. autocad 2005

Client           : TVS, GIL, Munjal Showa, and VSSC 
Team size    : 5
Aim              : Design and Production of different capacity actuators.
Description  : Design and Production of different capacity actuators according to the customer     specifications.And providing 3-D Parametric Models using Solid Modeling, Assembly & Drafting of the Components.
Tool Used    : Unigraphics- NX2. autocad 2005

Client           :  GIL and Munjal Showa .
Team size    :   4
Aim              : Design of Power pack and Tensile grip.
Description  :  Design of Power pack mainly includes Capacity of Motor and Rate of oil flow. Its device, which Generates Pressurized oil with help of pump operated by motor and also includes Heat  Exchanger, Accumulator, Manifolds and Valves. Tensile grip is used to hold the SpecimenUnder Tension with the help of wedges during testing, which. And providing 3-D ParametricModels using Solid Modeling, Assembly & Drafting of the Components
Tool Used    : Unigraphics- NX2. autocad 2005

Software skills:

Operating Systems                    :  MS-DOS, Windows 95/98/ME/XP
            Office automation tools          :  Unigraphics (NX2), Pro-E (2001), AutoCAD (2005)   
Academic Project Works:

a)        6th Sem Mini Project
          Title                                            :   Sub Modeling of cantilever I-Beam
          Sixth semester                         :   2002-2003                 B E C Bagalkot 

Précis: Sub modeling is a finite element technique used to get more accurate results in a region of your model. Often in finite element analysis the finite interest, such as hole, fillet or web. To obtain more accurate results in these elements mesh may be too coarse to produce satisfactory results in a region of regions one can generate an independent, more finely meshed model of only the region of interest and analyze it.

b)      8th Sem Main  Project
           Title                                           : Analysis Of Crane Hook Using FEM
      Eighth semester                          :  2003-2004         B E C Bagalkot    

Précis:  Crane Hook is one of the most important mechanical elements. The main work of the crane hook is to lift the loads from one place and place it to another place. Crane hook with    standard dimensions is taken for analysis purpose. The load carrying capacity of the hook is    calculated and the maximum stresses developed at the given section are determined  manually with the use of the formulae and compared with ANSYS result. The modeling is done in Uni-Graphics-18 and analysis is done using ANSYS software The results are compared for different section and the maximum stress developed is noted based on this best section is selected.     

Extracurricular activities:     
·         National level paper presented at Jabalpur Engineering College JABALPUR (MP).                                                                                      
  • Mini project on “ CNC programming and fabrication of chasis component ” in BEL

Educational Qualifications:
Academic Records:

Examination Passed
University/ Board
Year of Passing
Percentage Obtained

B E C, Bagalkot

Vishweshwaraih Technological University, Belgaum.

July 2004

65.58 % (Aggregate)

Government Junior Collegue Kudremukh

Pre-University Education Board, Bangalore.


65.00 %

S.S. L. C.(10TH)
 Giri Jyothi Convent School Kudremukh

Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, Bangalore.


 82.56 %

Personal Information:

Name                                           :  Prakash Kumar S.M
Father’s name                           : Late Pratap Murnal.
Date of Birth                             : Sep 17 1981
Nationality                                : Indian.
Sex                                           : Male.
Marital Status                            : Single
Permanent Address                   :  S/o Pratap Murnal
                                                   17th cross Durganagar colony
                                                   vidyagiri Bagalkot 587169                  
                                                  Ph no-(08354)-236357
Hobbies                                    : playing chess, Carrom and listening music.
Languages Known                    : English, Hindi and Kannada 

I hereby declare that the above information is true to best of my knowledge.

                                    Thanking You,                                                                   
  Sincerely Yours

Place: Bangalore                                                                        (Prakash Kumar S.M.)

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