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Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


                                                              Addresss :Suresh kumar
Mr. Suresh Kumar                                                                                   GTK G.Gajaraja
E-mail Id: suresh@gmail.com_                                                   H NO: 33, 5th main 7th phase
Cell No: 9986179064                                                                               3rd stage Rajani Nagar

Phone No: 08281(238349)                                                                       Devipur


Career Objectives:

            To work in a competitive environment where I can utilize and enhance my technical /analytical skills and also contribute to the growth of our organization. I intend to achieve this objective by hard work and contributing as a team member with positive attitude and continuously   learning new skills to deliver the end results.


            BSc (PCM)                              : 50% in 2002 Kitel science college Dharawad.
                                                                        (Karnataka University Dharawad).
            Msc (CS)                                 : 70% in 2005 Basaveshwar Science College.
                                                                        (Karnataka University Dharawad).


            OS Familiar with                       : Win 98,Win 2000, Win XP.
            Languages                                : C, C++,VB, JAVA,J2EE, (Servlet,jsp,jdbc).
            Database                                  : Oracle, SQL.
            Web Technologies                    : HTML.
            Tools                                        : MS-Word, MS-PowerPoint, and MS-Excel.
            Standards                                 : XML,UML.
            Servers                                     :Weblogic,Tomcat.

Extra Curricular Activities:

ü  Participated in NCC Camp, NSS Camp.
ü  Team Player of Basketball and Hockey Team in college Level.

Personal Skills:

      • Comprehensive problem solving skills.
      • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
      • Fast Lerner and team facilitator.
      • Ambition to learn new skills and technologies.

Personal Profile:

            Father Name                            : Ajay.
            Nationality                                : Indian.
            Martial Status                           : Unmarried.
            Sex                                          : Male.
            Mother Tongue             : Kannada.
            Languages Known                    : English, Hindi, Telugu and Kannada.
            Hobbies                                   : Playing cricket, Listing Music, Dance, and Chatting.
Pernment Address                    : SURESH KUMAR MSc (cs)
                                                  PO: BASUDEVPUR
                                                  TQ: GANGAVATI-583056
                                                  DIST: KOPPAL.
                                                  PHONE; 08281(238349)






ü  1 year experience as Lecture in S K N G College Gangavathi.
ü  1 year experience as Faculty in N I I T.

Project Profile:

            Project Name                           : Online Stock Trading.
Front End                                 : jsp, javascript.
            Back End                                 : Oracle 8.0i.
            Platform                                   : Windows 98, NT.
            Team Size                                : 1Member
            Duration                                   : 3 months
 Description                               :
The Web Enabled Stock Trading System developed helps easier trading of shares. The Stock Trading System Application is reliable and all details are stored in robust database, includes Security measures for only authorized users provided by Java Authentication and Authorization .The Stock Trading System has migrated to electronic transactions, very fast access to the data. Stock Trading Systems implemented best 3-tier architecture for its client/server transactions in the web-enabled Intranet, for its robust execution of the data, enhancing java bean middleware to implement safe multithreading. Online trading gives investors better access and power, thus making them more    aware and in control of their financial future. With the Internet being open 24 hours a day speed and convenience are on the investor’s side. Any time day or night you can examine your account, place an order for execution when the market opens or just search for future investing ideas.


            In here by declare that the information furnished by me above true to the best of my knowledge. If given an opportunity I will serve to the best of my abilities in your esteemed organization.

                                                            Thanking you,                       




Place:                                                                                                              Suresh Kumar



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