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resume interests examples


Deepak Matte                                                Mail ID :
C/o M.Krishnan,                                                  Mobile  No : + 91 9849441909
H.No: 12-7-63,                                                        Res Ph No   : 0866 2457188
G.D.Nagar ,Gunadala,

Career objective :
       To work for an organization that promises a creative & challenging , Career as an Engineering in a progressive environment with can did & co-operative work culture that booster the speedy growth of the company & the individual.

Personal Traits:
·        Posses good communication /inter personal skill
·        Good co-prdination and co- operation with team,
·        Adapt at learning and adaptable to diversified work environment

Education Qualifications :
·        Bachelor of Engineering (FDH) In Civil with aggragate 62%,Andhra Unvirsity campus ,visakhapatnam
·        Completed Dipoma in Civil Engineering with aggregate 74% ,at AANM&VVRSR poly technic

Skill Known :
 Programming language  : C, Auto cad, MS projects
Operating systems           : DOS , windows-XP. Etc

Experience : The Total Civil Engineering Experience-10 years

 Locations   :  Tamil Nadu state , Chennai

Company  Address    : OILCO SERVICES INDIA LIMITED ( Midco Group)
                                        (construction Division) ,Bangalore
Period of experience :2006 APR - 2006  Till now

1. Site supervisor (civil ) :
   We are executing  civil Engineering works
a)      Site developments
b)      Drive way treatments
c)      Buildings Constructions
d)      Canopy structures
e)       Mechanical Installation of tanks
f)        External Electrification etc.

Locations   :  Andhra pradesh , Vijayawada ,Hyderabad.

Company  Address    : MNC ,Indian Oiltanking Limited ,Chennai.
                              :Navghar ,Dronagiri Node ,Nh-4B
                                        Navi mumbai 400707, phone :91-22-7902135

Period of experience :2002 Nov - 2006  Till now (3.5 years )

Address web

1.Project Engineer (civil ) :

  Project  Mangement service  including supervision by, Indian oil tanking limited , vijayawada Region   ,AP all the locations   Quality control , site executions  Services to  Indian oil corporation limited , and limited ,  we are going through as per the  design ,supervision ,Quality Control  and Execution ,the following are the documents related to the work management and execution during entire period.


 c)Bar charts

d)Site order books

e)Measurement books

 f)Quality folder( sieve Analysis register, cement register, cement consumption

statement, cube test register, concrete pour cards ,bar bending schedule

 g) Level sheets

 h)Hindrance registers

we are completed  around  55 no’s of projects  in Andhra Pradesh state various districts as per the locations handle over by the  Engineering  In charges to Projects Engineer –IOTL , we are successfully completed all the works  ,As per the work order schedules and company terms and conditions , the following are brief task facilities  provided  in the R.O projects

g)      Site developments
h)      Drive way treatments
i)        Buildings Constructions
j)        Canopy structures
k)       Mechanical Installation of tanks
l)        External Electrification etc.
Following are the locations Successfully complected ,
Each project value 50 lack(approximate)

Company     : M.G.Associates ,
                     Kusuma towers ,ITI road ,
Period of experience :1998 sept – 2001 sept (4 years )

2.Consulting Engineer :
Consultancy   services to local bodies like  oil companies in vijayawada  region  IOCL ,IBP co. limited ,BPCL etc and also  Multi storied structures Projects ,  we are going through as per the  design ,supervision and Execution ,the following are the documents related to the work management and execution during entire period.

c)Measurement book
 d)Quality folder( sieve Analysis register, cement register, cement consumption
 statement, cube test register, concrete pour cards ,bar bending schedule
 e) Level sheet

Company     : Maruti Associates
                       Structural Engineers
                       Architects & Builders : Ist floor ,Rakesh Manson ,Greenlands lane,Labbipet
                        Vijayawada-520010 , phone :91-866-2475876

Period of experience :1995 sept – 1998sept (3 years )

3.Site Supervisor and Drafts man (civil ) :

  Consultancy  services to  public buildings like  group housing ,Group of multi storied structures projects  in Vjayawada  lotus constructions ,  we are going through as per the   ,supervision and Execution ,the following are the documents related to the work management and execution during entire period.
  we are going through as per the  design ,supervision and Execution ,the following are the documents related to the work management and execution during entire period.


 c)Bar charts

d)Site order books

e)Measurement books

 f)Quality folder( sieve Analysis register, cement register, cement consumption
 statement, cube test register, concrete pour cards ,bar bending schedule

 g) Level sheets

 h)Hindrance registers


       Name                    :  DEEPAK MATTE
       Father’s Name     :  M.Krishnan
       Date of Birth        :  30.05.1976
       Sex                       :  male
       Nationality           :  Indian
       Languages known:  English, Hindi, Telugu
     Expected salary     : Rs 15000+ T.A

Palce :

Date  :                                                                                        (DEEPAK MATTE)                                             


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