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Ankuj Rao
Tel: +91-9849968712

Summary                                                                       Java/J2EE Professional

Ø  Having  more  than  3  years  of   experience   in   Software   development, Implementation and on various Web and Client/Server applications.

Ø  Real time exposure on SERVLETS, JSP, JAVA, STRUTS.

Professional Profile

Employment Details:
1) AP State Government :(
Designation             :   District/Department Information Officer
Employment Period :   August 2004 to till date
Role                         :  It  involves   gathering   requirements,   designing, dveloping a web-based service oriented  application,  which  initiates  the
easy flow of information along the lines of hierarchy of the departments  in
the Government of Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.

2) Worked as Software Engineer in Parimala Software Pvt  Ltd., Vijayawada
during Feb 2003 to July 2004.

3) Worked  as  Trainee  Software  Engineer  in  Parimala  Software  Pvt   Ltd.,
Vijayawada  during Aug 2002 to Jan 2003.

Academic Credentials

  1. B'Level(MCA) from DOEACC, New Delhi with B'Grade (65 - 74)
   2. A'level from DOEACC ,New Delhi with B'Grade (65 - 74 )
   3. DCME from State Board of Technical Education & Training with 77%.
   4. SSC from Board of Secondary Education with 78%

Software Skills

Operating Systems             :    Windows-95/98/2000
Programming Languages       :    C, C++, VB,Java
Databases                         :    Oracle, MS-Access, PostgreSQL
Web Technologies              :     JSP, Servlets, HTML, JavaScript, VB Script
 Java Technologies             :     JDBC, JSP, Java Beans, JNDI, Struts
Web  Servers                     :     Tomcat 5.0 , Web Logic

Project Summary:

Project # 1:-
Project Name        :     File Management System
Client                               :    Government of AP
Environment            :    Java,  Servlets,  JSP,  JDBC,  Oracle, Tomcat5.0
Role                         :     Programmer and Maintenance
   This application is  used  for  monitoring  the files that are coming to the tapal section of the  department.  The  tappal section  have to record the details of those files and then forward them  to the  concerned officer. The file will be forwarded down  the  chain  to  the responsible officer with the remarks given by  the  superiors.  Finally  the responsible officer takes  action against that file and updates  the  status of that file as solved or redressed by  furnishing  the  remarks  on  action
It also  provides  the  facility  for  an  employee  in  the  department  to initiate the file and forward it to the next officer.
The files' movement can be monitored by the higher officials.

Project #2
Project Name         :      Grievance Monitoring System (GMS)
Client                     :     Government of AP, Ranga Reddy Collectorate
Environment             :     Servlets, JSP & Tomcat, MS-Access
Role                       :     Developer
                     It  maintains  details  of   all   the   grievances   coming   to collectorate. It provides facilities  to  add  a  new  grievance  and  hence produce acknowledgement and further monitoring the status of  the  grievance is done.
      Each grievance as soon as received will be sent to  the  corresponding district  officials who in turn can take the action against the grievance  as solved or rejected by furnishing the remarks on the action taken.
      If action is  not  taken  on  the  grievance  by  the  due  date  then remainders will be sent to the officers and even then if proper   action  is not taken by them then  report will be sent to  the  Collector  for  further proceeding.

Project #3
Title                                :        E-Procurement
Client                               :        Govt. of AP
Role                                 :        Team Member
Environment                      :        HTML, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets, Oracle
          This application is an automation of the workflow involved in the process of  E-procurement. This Application helps both the bidders and the suppliers to reduce the cycle time, unnecessary paper work, waiting in long queues and simultaneously maintain the transparency in the entire process.
The workflow begins with Administration sanction from the government for a particular work. Notice Inviting Tenders invites bids for that tender. Contractors submit bids for the invited tenders. New Contractors can register themselves. Bid submission will be done within a specified time frame with documents supporting their eligibility for tender.
          On a Specified date, the bids submitted are opened by the evaluating authority and each bid is evaluated against physical and technical eligibility criteria. After verification of the two phases, Price bid evaluation is done and L1 "L ONE" bidder is finalized. The corresponding bidder is communicated with the Letter of Acceptance and Letter of Agreement and the contract will be awarded to the bidder
My module is “Online Bid Submission”. This module is significant among all other modules. It involves submitting bids online. This module has to capture the following details from the bidder to support their eligibility for tender.
·         Bid Processing Fee Details
·         EMD Fee Details
·         Similar Work Details
·         Turnover Details
·         Equipment Details
·         Key Personal Details
·         Item wise Details
·         Litigation Details
·         Sub Contractor Details
·         Price Bid
Based on the details furnished here by the bidder .All the bids will be evaluated against physical and technical eligibility criteria. After evaluation one bidder will be selected as L1 and the contract will be awarded to that bidder.
Project # 4
Title                                        :           Petition Monitoring System
Client                                         :        Government of Andhra Pradesh
Software                                    :        Servlets, JSP & Tomcat
Role                                         :           Coding and Testing
                 Hon. CM of Andhra Pradesh started a programme called “Rajiv Palle Bata”. In this programme citizens can submit their petitions to C.M. My Application “PETITION MONITORING SYSTEM” automates the process of submitting petitions and monitoring the status of each petition.
              All the petitions are categorized into 3 categories 1.General Petitions 2. CM Petitions 3.Rajiv Palle Bata Petitions. Each petition will be sent to corresponding department/District higher officials. This petition will be forwarded down the chain to responsible officer with the remarks given by the superior. Finally the responsible officer takes action against that petition and updates the status of that petition as solved or redressed by furnishing the remarks on action taken.
This Application will provide following services
·         Registering Petitions
·         Updating Petitions Status
·         Monitoring Petitions
·         Forwarding petitions
·         Viewing Reports

Project # 5 :-
Project Name         :     Online Distribution System
Client                     :     GEM Auto Lubricants (P) Ltd.
Environment            :     Java, Servlets, JDBC, JSP, Oracle, HTML,Tomcat
Role                       :     Designer and Programmer
     This project takes the orders from the  dealers and process those orders, through  the  online  net  it  orders  stock  from company then stock is delivered to the dealers. This project  simulates  the working of Online System. Finally Reports are generated based on the  orders given  by  the  dealers  and  delivery  information  and  stock  maintenance information etc.
Other Projects:
            In addition to the above projects I involved in  maintenance  of the projects developed by various software vendors for the  Government  such as Parishkaram Call Center, RAPT,  SmartGOV, APOnline software for rural  e-sevas.


400th rank in CEEP.
53rd  rank DIO Recruitment Test-2003.

Personal Profile
    Father's Name                :    Aman Rao
    Present Address             :    D.No:10-1/3,
                          Near Ahmed Nagar, Near State Bank Branch,
                                                     New Kaveri Nagar, Hyderabad.
                                          Andhra Pradesh.
    Permanent Address         :, Near DAV School,
                                                      Annanagar(po), Krishna (dt) - 521 257,
                                                      Andhra Pradesh.
    E-mail                          :,                            
    Office                           :     040-23452746,23459754
    Official mail Id                :

                                                ANKUJ RAO


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