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ARPITA DAS                                              E-Mail  :
House No:-27,17th cross,                              Mobile :  0-9341959673
3rd floor, Near to SBI Bank,
Ejipura, Anandnagar post, Bangalore



     2.5 Years of Experience in coding & Development in J2EE Applications.                           
Professional Summary:
§  Working as a Software engineer in Maquis Technologies, Bangalore.
§  Proficient in developing activities using technologies such as Java,J2EE.
§  Well versed in using Application servers such as Weblogic 8.1, Tomcat 4.1.
§  Exposure in Project Analysis, Requirements, Coding and Design of Database systems.

Functional Areas:  Retail, Banking and Insurance.
·      Operating   System            : Win 2k/NT/XP.
·      Programming Languages   : Java2, C, C++.
·      Web Technologies             : J2EE (Servlet, Jsp, Ejb ,RMI), Jdbc,
                                                             Struts 1.1 ,Java Script, Html
·      IDE Tools                          : Eclipse 3.1, EditPlus 2.0.
·      Application/Web Server     Weblogic 8.1, Tomcat 4.1.
·      Relational DBMS               : Oracle 9i.
Professional Qualification:
Master in Computer Application (MCA) from Sambalpur University in 2003 with 70%.

Project Summary (In Descending Chronology):
 Project-4:  Customer File Management. (Nov 2005 to till date)
                    Client                               : MGI, Germany.
     Technology                      : Servlet, JSP ,EJB, Struts and Oracle 9i.
                   Platform                          : Windows NT.
                   Application Server           : Weblogic 8.1
                   Role                                 Analysis and coding.
                   Team Size                      : 10

This application manages customer files data including customer master data and transactional data. Also manages all operational customer processes like customer payments, Invoice Processing, customer discounts etc. CFM Supports customer lifecycle dependent activities. Ensures standardized customer   classification. CFM maintains Customer Blocking Strategies. This application has the facility to keep information of authorized person for a customer and card holder. It has sub modules like Channel permission, licenses, services, grouping, payment allowance and bank connection

Project-3: e-Cash @ POP (From Feb 2005 to Oct 2005)
                        Client                       Brac Bank Limited, Dhaka
                Technology               :  Servlet, JSP ,EJB and Oracle 8i
               Platform                    :  Windows NT.
                Application Server     Weblogic 7.0
                Role                        Analysis and coding.
                Team Size                8

This module automates the Check encashment at Kiosk station, a process that captures, validates and manages transactions in real time, at points of physical presentment. The major process includes Reconciliation and Balancing of instrument, Daily Settlement where the day total will provide number of withdrawals, number of balancing inquiries, surcharge amount and dispensed amount, Cassette Total that does Reviewing and balancing cassette total. Currency Total, which does review, and recon currency total.

Project –2: CIA-Automobile Insurance (From June 2004 to Jan 2005)
Client                        :  AIG Inc., USA.
Platform                    :  Windows NT.
Technology                :  Servlet, JSP and Oracle 8i.
Application Server                :  Weblogic 7.0.    
Role                           Analysis and coding.
               Team Size                 8

This application is used to provide an automated online service for customer and insurance company. The Centralized Insurance Application is categorized under General Insurance and concentrates on providing a complete automation of Auto (Motor) Insurance. This protects us against financial loss if we have an accident. Here we agree to pay the premium and the insurance company agrees to pay our losses as defined in our policy.  The major processes includes Registration Process, Claims sub-system, Premium Calculation Subsystem, Policy Process, Receipts sub-system.

Project –1: CIA-Medical Insurance (From Sept 2003 – April 2004)

Client                         :  NRMA, Australia
Platform                    :  Windows NT.
Technology                 :  Servlet, Html and Oracle 8i
Web Server                :  Tomcat 4.1 
Role                           Analysis and coding.  
Team Size                 8

MediClaim is a web-enabled application that automates medical insurance.  This sub-system takes care of medical expenses following. Hospitalization/ Domiciliary Hospitalization of the insured in respect of the situations such as sudden illness, accident or surgery that is required in respect of any disease, which has arisen during the policy period.
Automated the Claim-sub system:
 The payment of claim is made through Third Party Administrators Users, who have been empanelled by the Company to provide hassle free admission and discharge from the Network hospital without making any payment.
The reimbursement of domiciliary hospitalization claims will also be made through by the TPA user

                      Name                           :  Ms. Arpita Das
                      Gender                         :  Female
                      Nationality                    :  Indian
                      Languages Known        :  English, Hindi & Oriya .
      Date Of Birth                :  01-July-1980

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