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ABP Private Limited,
Eagle’s Flight, Hide Road,
Andheri (W), MUMBAI - 400052
Phones: 09892403362, 09818400401
Date of Birth: August 30, 1981
CAREER OBJECTIVE:                                                                                                    
To work in the most challenging position with an organization that provides ample opportunities to learn and to contribute. I believe in hard work and intend to work for your organization putting in my best.
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:      IT ENGINEER       1.5 Years                                                                                     
Presently working in JETAIR PVT. LTD., as a Software Engineer.
Jetair Private Limited is a GSA (Global Sales Agent) and maintains database for major airlines and undertakes the ticket stock distribution and sales accounting for Jet Airways.
  • Working on Stored procedures, queries, views to perform various tasks.
  • Design reports as per airline requirement using Seagate Crystal Reports.
  • Also working on Tomcat server and made projects by using JSP’s and Servlets.
  • Design many applications using VB and SQL Server.
Operating System        :   Currently working on WINDOWS 9X/XP, having excellent knowledge of 
                                             UNIX as well..               
Languages                    :   Excellent knowledge in C, C++, JAVA. Worked on many projects using         
                                             these languages.
                                       Good command in OOP Concepts.
Proficient in writing SQL queries, stored procedures, functions, views,        cursors and triggers.
                                       Developed many projects using VB, VC++.
   Packages                       :   MS-Office, GIF ANIMATOR.
Databases                      :   Oracle, SQL Server 2000, MySQL, Ms-Access.
Others                           :   Data structure using C, Operating System Concepts, Database Concepts,                             
    ERP Systems, Computer Networks, E-commerce, Bio-informatics, Virtual Reality, Distributed Systems
, Data Mining and Warehousing.                                   
·       Title: Ticket Sales and Stock Accounting System.
Description: The application takes care of the fortnightly Sales and Refunds of passenger tickets of Domestic and International Airlines.
Language Used: VB as front-end and SQL Server as back-end.
        Role:    Writing Stored Procedures, Queries, Views, Cursors and Triggers.
              Developing, debugging and modifications to be made in application.
              Interacting with users to understand their problems, requirements and solve it.

·         Title :  Attendance Statement
Description:  It is a software which is used to make the attendance statement for all the
                        employees of the Jetair. Based on that, it gives monthly and daily report.
Language Used: This software uses JSP, Servlets as front-end and Mysql as backend.
Role: Designing, Coding and maintenance.

·         Title  :  ECN(Error correction number)
Description: It is software used by users to raise their ECN's (Error Correction number).     
                       If they have any problem and want to make some correction in any of                
Language Used: This software uses JSP, Servlets as front-end and SQL server as
Coding : Designing, Coding and maintenance.
B.Tech                                              : INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
(73.06%) 2000 - 2004      
 Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College
                                                            (UP Tech. University, Lucknow)
HSC (Physics, Chemistry, Maths)   : Asha Modern School, Saharanpur    
1999                                                                                                          72.4%  (C.B.S.E.)

SSC (Science, Maths)                         : Asha Modern School, Saharanpur    
1997                                                                                                          76.8%  (C.B.S.E.)                       
·         Title                    : Employee Information System.
Description        :  Submitted in HCL, Noida,. It is submitted as
                               final year project. It is a software which contain information for all the
                               employees working in the organization. It also maintain the record for all 
                               employees doing training in a calendar year.
Language Used  :  This software uses Visual Basic as front end and oracle-8 as back end.

·         Title                     :  File Protector
Description         :  This software encrypts and decrypts the file using RSA algorithm. It can
                                Work on text as well as document files. This is submitted as mini project.
Language Used  :   Visual Basic.

·   Participated in chess competition and won second prize during 2nd year of graduation.
·   Participated in mathematics Olympiad test and get valid scores.
·   Participated in many G.K. competitions at school level.
·   Take part in Skit and won I prize during final year of graduation.

Nationality                               : Indian.
Marital Status                         : Single.
Permanent address                 : 12-A, Prem Nagar Colony, Mission Compound,
Passport No.                           : B2822147.
Hobbies                                  : Playing chess, Computer Programming, Net surfing.          
                                                                                                                                     (RITESH Jain)

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