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modern resume


21/C, VishnuNagar Colony                                                              Mobile: 9440036987
Hyderabad – 500063.                                                                    Email  :

 To work in a real professional environment in the company of intelligent people of high technical
 Abilities embracing the emerging technologies and thus widen the spectrum of my knowledge.


Master of Science in Computers (2002 – 2004 )
Osmania University, MNR P.G College, Hyderabad.
Aggregate Percentage-60.7%

Bachelor of Science (1999- 2002)
Osmania University, MNR Degree College, Hyderabad.
Aggregate Percentage-57.5%

Intermediate (1997-1999)
Board of Intermediate, MNR Junior College, Hyderabad.
Aggregate Percentage-60.7%

S.S.C (1996- 1997)
Secondary School Certificate, Loyola Public School, Hyderabad.
Aggregate Percentage-63%


Project Title            :        Web Services

Project Description:         This Project is successfully able to mimic all the features which allows us to provide the Web Services like as in a typical Web Services Scenario, where in a business application sends a request to a service at a given URL using the SOAP Protocol over Http.  The Service receives the request, process it and returns a response. Web services and consumers of web services are typically businesses, making web services predominantly business-to-business(B-to-B) transactions.

Technologies Used :        Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Oracle8i, HTML, XML & UML


·        Programming Languages  :                 C, C++,  Java , J2ee.
·        Web Technologies              :                HTML, XML,  JSP.
·        Operating Systems             :                Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 .
·        Networking Concepts        :               Networking, Troubleshooting.
·        Software Concepts             :               Installations, Maintenance.
·        Productivity Software       :               Microsoft Office Suite.


 Name                                             :        Rajeev Jamisetti
 Father’s Name                              :        V Jamisetti
 Date of Birth                                 :        8th August 1981
 Sex                                                 :         Male
 Marital Status                              :         Single
 Nationality                                    :         Indian
 Languages known                        :         English, Hindi & Telugu.
 Hobbies                                         :          Reading Books &  Playing Chess
 Passport Number                         :          E 1539726


I here by declare that the information is true to the best of my Knowledge.

Place  :Hyderabad
Date   :                                                                                                                ( J.RAJEEV)

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