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Nune Pnakaj                                                                               
E-mail:                              Mobile  : 9849698743







        To be recognized as the most outstanding employee of a renowned Global Software Industry and to demonstrate total commitment to quality, service, innovation and show professional interest in accomplishing set of objectives for the purpose of Organization and Industry growth.

Educational Qualification:
            B.Tech(ComputerScience)  from Sindura College Of  Engineering and Technology
            affliated to J N T University with 70.7% during  2001-2005
            Intermediate  (M.P.C.) from Wisdom Junior College with 81.2% in 2001.
            S.S.C. from St.Anthony’s High School  with 82% in 1999

Technical Skills:

 Programming Languages                      :           C, C++, JAVA
            Application Development Tools            :           Visual Basic 6.0
            Operating Systems                                :           Windows 2000
            RDBMS                                               :           Oracle 9i
            Assembly Languages                :           8085, 8086 .

Ø  Ability to work in a group in a coordinated manner.
Ø  Be imaginative and enthusiastic.
Ø  Motivation to take new challenges.
Ø  Learning fast and understanding.


      Title                      :  ATM BANKING SYSTEM.
      Programming      :  Java as a front end, Oracle8i as a backend database.
      Team Size            :  3
      Duration              :  3 months
      Description           :           ATM Banking System is a software designed to perform various banking services through the Automated Teller Machines. It includes the regular transactions like deposits, withdrawals, and balance enquiry and so on.
It maintains the details of the accounts of various customers including the details of ATM cards (Credit, Debit) .It also includes information of the various branches in and around the ATM services, which help in the relational maintenance of every transaction in the ATM Machine by the customers with their concerned branch operations.
            Role                     :  Designing  Flowcharts

Personal Information:

            Father’s Name                         :           N.Anand Sagar
            Date of Birth                             :           29 April 1984
            Marital Status                           :           Single
            Languages Known                    :           Telugu, English & Hindi
            Hobbies                                   :           Reading Newspapers, Watching and Playing           
            Address                                   :           H.No: 1-5-263,
                                                                        Bajrang nagar,


Nune Pankaj   

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