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how to write a cv for a job examples

Krishna Katare

Contact No.: 09827210215


I am willing to work in a challenging environment, to put in my inherent skills and abilities for effective utilization and productivity of the organization and for the development of my own skills and personality.


Pursuing M.E. (2004-2006) in Computer science with Specialization in Software Engineering with
70.00 percent marks up to 3rd Semester from Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devi Ahilya Univ., Indore.

Completed B.E. (2000-2004) in Computer Science and Engineering with 67.19 marks from Jawaharlal Institute of Technology, Khargone Affiliated to R.G.P.V. Bhopal in 2004.

Schooling (XIIth) from Govt. Boys H. S. School, Mhow, with 67.55 percent in 2004.
Schooling (Xth) from K. V. Mhow, with 62.6 percent in 1998.


Ø  Secured 89.53 percentile in the GATE examination.
Ø  Recommended in 11 SSB, Allahabad (U.P.)


Ø  LANGUAGES:      C, C++, JAVA, J2ME.         
Ø  RDBMS:                 SQL (SQLi) star with Oracle 8i.
Ø  OTHERS:               UML with Rational Rose.

Design Patterns, Object Oriented Analysis and Modeling, Object Oriented Design, Software
Testing and Quality Assurance, Component Technology. 


Project Title: ‘Intelligent web-site downloader’ in JAVA (M.E. Major Project).
Synopsis: This project aims at developing a tool that images the web sites. It provides the means
to download the whole site, even the cascaded links.
Team size: 1.
Client:  As per ME Curriculum of D.A.V.V.
Scope: The software will be of profound use in offline browsing.

Project Title: ‘Automated Teller Machine Implementation’ in JAVA and UML with Rational Rose (M.E. Minor Project).
Synopsis: The project is to employ ATM using JAVA. Analysis and design of system is performed using UML with Rational Rose.

Project Title: ‘Remote Object Controller’ in C (B.E. Major Project).
Synopsis: This project is aimed to control hardware through software. There are two parts of the project, a hardware circuit and a software program to handle that hardware. Here the object is a toy
car with a remote control and software is a C program. The software part is further divided into two parts i.e. GUI and port programming in C to control hardware.
Team size: 3.
Client:  As per BE Curriculum of RGPV.
Scope: Our software is simulation software. The software has scope in computer control of various industrial processes and in entertainment purposes.

Project Title: ‘RSA algorithm’ in JAVA (B.E. Minor Project).
Synopsis: The software that we developed is an approach to public-key encryption.
Team Size: 3
Client:  As per BE Curriculum of RGPV.
Scope: It has scope on Asymmetric encryption. 


As project trainee (internship) in ASTUTE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PVT. LTD., Indore (m.p.)
Description: Undergone training for building j2me applications, including mobile gaming applications, RMS application.
Projects Undertaken (as assignments)
Ø  HIT-MISS gaming application in j2me.
Ø  DX-BALL gaming application in j2me.
Ø  Greeting cards animations.
Ø  RMS application.


College M.E.  team member of the volleyball.
College Branch team (CSE) member of the cricket during B.E.
Watching Movies, Listening Music, Watching Discovery.



Ø  Father's Name:           Mr. P. C. Katare (Asst. Director (C.), MES Jabalpur)
Ø  Mother's Name:            Mrs. Asha Katare
Ø  Date of Birth:                May 13, 1982
Ø  Permanent Address:      Q.No. P-261/2, MES officers Qr., Opp. DSOI, Ridge     
                                            Road, Jabalpur (M.P.)
Ø  Phone Number:           +91-09827269013, +91-09300277944
Ø  E-mail id.:           ,


Director I.E.T. (D.A.V.V.) - Dr. Manohar Chandwani, Institute of Engg. & Tech. (D.A.V.V.), Khandwa road, Indore. Contact no.-09303227853.


                  I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
                                                           Krishna katare

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