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R.ARULKUMAR B.Sc., M.C.A                              House No. AM – 5, Phase – 3,
                                                                                    Hari Om 3rd Street, Sathuvachari,         
                                                                                    Vellore – 632 009.
                                                                                    Ph.No.  0416 - 2256815,
                                                                                    Mail ID  :

Profile (Resume in Brief)

v  Good academic background (M.C.A --- 73.6%)
v  Sound logical skills and ability to adapt to changes at faster pace.
v  Ability to move well in a team and bring the best out of the teammates.
v  Highly motivated and confident person.

Career Goal
            With over 1 plus year of experience in Developing and Designing business application, especially in J2EE using Struts and Struts in Hibernate.  I am looking for opportunities to put my experience in action to automate varied complex business process to make organization more productive and efficient.


1)         Project     : Automobile Management System

Brief Description

            This application that include three Departments (Service, Admin, Spares).  Like new Vehicle entry, Vehicle sales, an Employee detail, salary of employee, service details, spares bill, spares entry, stock maintenance and etc.,.  This same project given to above companies with some changes.  The changes depend upon the company requirement.  This project is common for all automobile company.  Like Two, Three, Four Wheelers.

2)         Project:  Southern Rubber & Company


Brief Description

 This application maintain Raw material, Customer, Vendor, Operator, Product, Packing, Product out,  primary production, secondary production, Invoice, Purchase Order, and report for all operation.

Technologies used:

The above projects done with Struts Frame work, Tomcat Server, MYSQL 4, Win XP, JAVA, JSP, JavaBean, XML, Front page, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Eclipse Editor, Jasper report.

3)         Project: Welfix

Brief Description

 A production company required an efficient way of management system.  This project to Welfix (Wire manufacturing company); The project has challenges on Managing the production details, customer, rawmaterial , Staff, machine, operator details and etc.,

Technologies used:

Struts in Hibernate Frame work, Tomcat Server, Mysql 4, Win XP, JAVA, JSP,  JavaBean, XML, Front page, Dreamweaver , Eclipse Editor, Jasper report.

4)         Project: Pal Dental

Brief Description

Our client requires efficient way fill application form and this form generate automatically PDF format, this PDF file automatically sent our client address and finally preparing reports.

Technologies used:

PHP with MySql, Apache Tomcat Server,  Win XP and RedHot Linux 9, Front page, Dreamweaver.

5)         Project: TG_HCM

Brief Description

This application for our use.  This application includes employee, client project, employee in time out time, and project details.  And we plane to implement more future.

Technologies used:

PHP with MySql, Apache Tomcat Server,  Win XP and RedHot Linux 9, Front page, Dreamweaver.



Languages                    :   Cobol,C, C++,JAVA 1.4.1

Web Technology          :   JSP, Servlet, JavaBean, JDBC, PHP 5. Vb Script, Java Scripts, ASP
                                        J2EE with Struts,  Struts in Hibernate Frame Work HTML   

Web Design Tool       :    Photoshop, Flash, Front Page, Macromedia Dreamveaver MX .
Web Server                  :   Apache Tomcat 4,  IIS, PWS.
Packages                      :   MS-Office, VB.6, Corel Draw, Page Maker, WS7.
Database                      :   Oracle9i,  My SQL, Ms-Access,  Foxpro 2.6
OS                               :   MS-DOS, Windows 95,98, ME, XP
NT OS                         :   Windows – NT, 2000, LINUX, NOVEL




            Basic, Assembling, Preparation of Hard Disk, OS Installation, Device Driver configuration, Software Installation, Troubleshooting and etc.,


            Basic concept, File System, Installation, Managing Users/Groups, Implementing protocols, Client Configuration, Managing profiles and Policy, Network printing, Proxy server and Internet configuration, Troubleshooting.



English              :           2nd CLASS
Tamil                           :            1st CLASS


Board / Degree
School / University
Month & year of Pass
% of Marks
State Board, Tamil Nadu
May 96’
State Board, Tamil Nadu
May 98’
Voorhees College, Vellore.
Oct. 2002’
University of Madras, ICE
Jan. 2006


Name of the Institution

Name of the Post
VCOM Computer Education
May 2001 to Jan 2002
Christian Medical College
Feb. 2002 to July 2002
Clerk Cum Typist
Suryaa Computers
Sep. 2002 to Oct 2004
Faculty in Java, JavaBean, Servlet, Jsp, HTML
Techno Galaxy
From Nov.2004
Developer in J2EE using Struts, Hibernate (FW)

Kindly consider my application and bestow me a chance to serve in your esteemed organization.  Anticipating you favourable orders.

Thanking you                                                                    Yours truly.

                                                                                                            ( R.ARULKUMAR  )

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