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cv writing format

Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for CV Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

Poonam Mangla                                                 Contact Details
Computer Engineer  (CSE)                                    
Punjabi University, Patiala                                                         Ph: 9876543210


   To apply the knowledge acquired and to work in a highly competitive environment to seek new situations, pursue adaptability, create exceptional value and maximize my share of experience to indefatigably imbibe new things that will burnish my potential and ameliorate me as a Computer Engineer.

 Academic Details

Senior Secondary
B. Tech(CS)
Punjabi University, Patiala
6.4 ( CGPA out of 10,upto 6th semester)

    Areas Of Interest

·        Data Structure and Algorithms
·        Database Management Systems
·        Operating Systems
·        Networking

    Skill Set

Programming Languages                        C, C++, HTML, JavaScript,, CCNA,
Testing Skills                                            Writing test cases and test plan.
Platforms Used                                         Windows XP/Vista/7,
        Software Used                                           LAMP, Microsoft SQL Server


1)      Trading Management System                                                                        May-July 2011
Project Guide: Mr. Rajesh Bansal
·        Implemented the Trading Management System using C#.Net as front end and SQL Server as back end.
·        Software helps any trading organization to carry out transactions and maintain records of inventory and customers easily.
·        It also provided the total profit and loss incurred and maintained records of sale and purchases carried out in the organization and updated the databases accordingly.

2)      Library Management System                                                                July-September 2011
Project Guide: Associate Prof. Mr. Harman
·     Implemented Library Management System as a part of Software Project Management Curriculum.
·     The project involved maintaining record of all the members, all the books and all the transactions i.e. books borrowed or returned and updation of databases accordingly.
·     Used C#.Net as front end and SQL Server as back end.

3)      Hospital Management System                                                                July-September 2012

Team work : 2 members team

·   Implemented Hospital Management System using ASP.Net as front end and SQL Server 2005 as back end.
·   Software maintained the records of patients admitted in the hospital, patients dischared and the expenses incurred by each patient.
·   It also maintained a record of all the doctors and  their payroll.
·   It also maintained a record of the hospital inventory.
·   It maintained a record of all the workers besides doctors, their duties and payroll.

4)      Cisco Certified Networking Associate(CCNA) training of six months              

·  Covered topics such as:
·        IP Routing
·        Enhanced IGRP (EIGRP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
·        Layer-2 Switching and Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP)
·        Virtual LANs (VLANs)

5).Net Development : .Net developer at TechKala, Bathinda                   Jan 2013 - present


Working  as .Net developer at a US based website development firm, TechKala              

·        Implemented  various website based software  projects during my tenure  like
·        Hospital Management System
·        Job Portal
·        Online shopping website
  • Sending emails without wasting time on logging in and entering into mailbox.
·        Sending SMS with single direct sending page
·        Website is in progress, 85% completed.

6)       ICS online placement system                                                             March – May 2013


  • Implemented the Placement System online using ASP.Net as front end and SQL Server as back end.
  • System could be used to store the details of the Jobs, Job Seeker’s(s) and  placement companies
  • It provided the facility to update the jobs to job providers and  apply for job to job seekers.
·        It is one integrated system that contained the User component (used by job seekers to submit CV), Admin component (used by the administrators for performing admin level functions such as adding new advertisements from companies, make changes in existing one etc..), and Registrar component(used by the companies for advertising their jobs and collecting the candidate’s information, etc..)

7)      Whack-a-mole Game

 Whack-a-Mole is a popular arcade game where the player hits the mole that blinks to obtain points. The player tries to maximize the total points in a limited time period. The player with the maximum number of points is considered to be a winner.

 The whack-a-mole game had 9 moles. It had a start button, stop button, timer field, points field. It also had a field for the user to enter his name. If the name field is left blank, the game could not start. The validation for the name field was done using HTML. There was a button option at the bottom of the moles to display the top 3 players who played the game (calculated on the basis of the total points accrued over all the games).

·        The game was designed using ASP.Net.
·        Sql Server 2005 was used to store and record the name and points of every user in the database and information about the moles.

8)      Winshuttle Softwares  Pvt. Ltd

I have also cleared Three QA Technical Interview Rounds. Recruitment Process is Still in Progress.


  • CCNA Certfied 2012. Obtained 94.7%.
  • Active Member of various event organizing committees:
·        Publicity Manager, Ranbhoomi’12
·        Event Head, Computer Technical Event,Ranbhoomi’12
·  Active Member, Hindi Literary Society and Fine Arts and Painting Committee,          Punjabi University, Patiala
  • Rank 358 out of more than 50,000 students at CET.

    Other Skills

·        Good communication skills.
·        Leadership skills & people management. (Publicity Manager and Library Incharge)
·        Fast And Enthusiastic Learner, with an optimistic approach

    Personal Details

Father’s name                              :  Mr. Manoj Kumar
Date of Birth                             :  22 May 1993
Sex                                             :  Female
Permanent Address                  :  #70251 M G Road Ghandhi Nagar Bathinda
Linguistic Proficiency               :  English, Hindi, Punjabi
Nationality                                :  Indian

I hereby declare that the information provided above is true to best of my Knowledge.

                                                                                                           Poonam Mangla                                             

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