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Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for B.Tech CV Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download


Reetu Kumari                                                                         Mobile:+91 9876543210
# 664 sec-7 R.K Nagar
 New Delhi-239865


Career objective:      To work for an organisation that provides opportunities to learn, sustainable      growth and  make innovative in the field of  plastics engineering and technology.
Ø  A positive and confident personality with strong work ethic.
Ø  Well knowledge about  ISO, ASTM,MS,JIS,VW Standards for polymeric materials.
Ø  Ability to work under minimal supervision.
Ø  Ability to delegate.  
§   A result oriented professional with over 1 years experience in Polymer testing & Quality.
§   Strong analytical, problem solving & organizational abilities.                    
Since may 2012…
SGS INDIA PVT LTD.(Gurgaon)                                              Designation    
The World’s Leading Inspection,Verification,                                     “CHEMIST”IN AUTOMOBILES                                            
Testing And Certification Company                                                         POLYMER LAB, HL

Job Responsibility:
Ø  Fully involve in new project of different OEM Group like,VW,SCODA,MAHINDRA,NISSAN,maruti Suzuki,Honda,RENAULT,etc for doing all kinds of mechanical as well as chemical testing..
Ø  Handling the customer complaints and identify the root cause by using the quality tools.
Ø  Providing the test feasibllity as per ISO,ASTM,VW,MS,SAEJ,NES etc Standards.

Professional Qualification:
B.Tech  in  Plastic technology with first class in the year of 2008 – 2012  from  “CIPET”  Central  Institute  of  Plastic  Engineering   &  Technology , Chennai (Tamil Nadu)( A.I.C.T.E.  Approved & ISO 9001 certified Institute).also approved by Anna university Chennai-32

Academic details:
Ø  2006-2008 : 12th with first class from bihar  Boad.
Ø  2005 : 10th with first class from bihar boad.

·         Have won first prize for technical quiz in ELASTOPLAZ’12 at MIT Chennai..
·         Paper presented in ELASTOPLAZ’12 on the topic Eco Friendly Refrigerators and Air Conditioners and got 2’nd prize
Extra curricular activities

·          Poster Presented in ELASTOPLAZ’11 a national level technical symposium, at
·          Participated in a NATIONAL PROGRAMME ON TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING (NPTEL WORKSHOP) at IIT MADRAS on 28th August and 25th sept 2010
·          Participated in an international conference on “ADVANCEMENTS IN POLYMERIC MATERIALS”  2011 at Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology at Chennai-32 on march 25 to 27,2011
·          Participated in a seminar on plastics-preselection and evaluation of material for electrical,electronic and mechanical application organized by UL INDIA PVT LTD on 12th july 2011 at Chennai,india..
·          Worked as an “Technical guide” in plast india 2012 at new delhi 8th Intrnational conference and exhibition.
              CAD/ CAM using AutoCAD
Software Knowledge
         CAD/ CAM using UniGraphhics 6.0 with mold wizard (short term course)
         Auto Desk mouldflow 6.1
         PRO E Wildfire 2.0

Other skils
             Languages Known:
            HINDI               read,write,speak
            ENGLISH          read,write,speak
            SANSKRIT        read,write
                                     TAMIL               speak             
Computer skils
·          C++ (Basic),UNIX
·          WINDOWS 2000,XP,WINDOWS 7   

Handling Testing Machine.
·          UTM (Tensile and Flexural strength).
·          FTIR Spectroscopy(Identification of polymers)
·          HDT,VSP,MFI
·          XENON WEATHER-OMETER(ATLAS Ci4000,ci5000)
Field of Intrest
·          Research and development (R & D)
·          Quality assurance/control
·          Marketing

 Academic project

Personal profile
Name                          :   Reetu Kumari
Date of birth               :   07.05.1995
Sex                             :   Female   
Father’s name             :   Mr.Anil kumar Prasad
Permanent adderess       : c/o shanatan art
                                      At+po-Ishuapur,chhapra(saran) Bihar-742901
Marital status              :   Unmarried
Nationality                  :   Indian

                  I hereby declared that all the above informations are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Place…                                                                                                   (REETU KUMARI)

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