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Sample Template Example of Beautiful Excellent Professional Curriculum Vitae / Resume / CV Format with Career Objective, Job Profile & Work Experience for M.Tech CV Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Free Download

D/o V Reddy
14/1 K G Road,                                                                                                                                       
Aamprapali,                                         Contact No: +91-9876543210                                       
Andhra Pradesh- 533010.

Career Objective:
Seeking a challenging career where my analytical, interpersonal and technical skills are effectively recognized and utilized to the best of my capabilities, there by contributing to the progress of the Organization and hence growing personally.
Academic Profile: 

College/School Name
Board / University
% Of Marks /CGPA
Year Of Passing
M.Tech      (Embedded Systems  Technology)
                            SRM University,      Chennai.

SRM University,      Chennai.



Raghu Engineering   College, Visakhapatnam.

JNTU Kakinada, A.P.



Narayan Junior College,  Visakhapatnam.

Board of Intermediate        Education,  A.P.



Class X

Z.P.High School,   Purusothapuram,             Srikakulam.
Board of Secondary   Education,  A.P.



Soft Skills:

·         Operating Systems            :     Windows XP /VISTA/7.
·         Languages                       :     C Lang, VHDL.
·         Packages                         :    ModelSim, PSoC, Keil, Microsoft Office.

Academic Achievements:

·         I got FIRST rank in the school at Class X level.
·         I did my M.Tech Project at DRDO, NSTL, Visakhapatnam.
·         I Published paper on “Underwater Vehicle RPM Measurement System using PSoC” in International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) Volume: 2 | Issue: 5 | May 2013 • ISSN No 3241 – 7110.

Ø  B.Tech Project:
Project Name: Design of Fast Non Local Video De-noising and Shape Recognition System for an Underwater vehicle.
Duration         : 4 Months
      Description:  A live stream is captured from the robot and then converted into frames at a suitable sampling rate. These frames are pre-processed using fast nonlocal means algorithm to de-noise them. Shape Recognition System to recognize basic geometric pattern. Once the shape is detected the system gives an alarm signal that detection is done.
Ø  M.Tech Main Project:
Project Name: Underwater Vehicle RPM Measurement system using PSoC at DRDO, NSTL, Visakhapatnam.
Duration         : 6 Months
      Description: Using RPM, the speed of the vehicle is determined. Optical sensor is being used to sense the RPM signal and a PSoC device is used to process the sensed signal to count the RPM. The number of pulses from the optical sensor is measured using the counters of PSoC and displays the RPM value on the serial port of PC.
Ø  M.Tech  Project:
Project Name: Design of a Bridge to Randomly Access High Speed Image Sensor Pixels.
Duration         : 4 Months
     Description:  The image processor can capture and store an image in the bridge’s internal memory. Then the pixel values can be accessed in random fashion through a parallel memory access interface at any required speed. It overcomes the speed gaps between the image sensors and microcontrollers. The bridge can be used in different embedded system applications such as pattern recognition, robotic vision, biomedical imaging etc. The bridge was modelled in VHDL.

·         I had participated in a national level technical event organized by MVGR college of Engineering.
·         I had participated in a national level technical event organized by ANITS college of Engineering. 

·         Good conceptual foundation and always eager to learn new things.
·         Hard working. Adaptability in any situations.
·         Positive attitude.     


Name                                : Vikki Reddy
Father’s Name                  : Venugopal Reddy
Occupation                        : Teacher.
Date of Birth                     : 27-08-1991.
Sex                                   : Female.
Marital Status                    : Single.
Passport Number              : L3254125
Nationality                       : Indian.
Languages Known           : English, Telugu, and Hindi.
Hobbies                             : Swimming, Playing games, Listening music.


         I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date     :
Place    :                                                                                                                                         (Vikki Reddy)                                                                                                                                      

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